Tuesday 8 October 2019

Blooming colourful

Just a few of my small pots, we can see this space whilst sitting inside.
 At the bottom of the garden infront of my greenhouse.
 Under the Magnolia tree
 Side bed
 Back of lawn
 Raised bed by back door
I love this plant, I have repotted it, it's put on loads of growth. 
October is a colourful month in the garden, having tender plants in pots helps, the bigger pots stay out all year, the pots with spring bulbs are tucked away through the summer, coming out at this time of year, promising colour early next year. 
The 3 main beds are all still looking good, I am not expecting them to fade until the frost come, which should be later in the month. We are still getting a mixture of heavy rain and sunny days, it's colder, but not as wet as other parts of the country.
We have finally turned our heating on, the evenings are much cooler, and I really do not see the point of being cold.
Sunday was another lazy day at home, I did loads of knitting whilst watching, The Crown on catch up, we did not have Netflix, so I could not watch them before, I am hooked. Hubby got home mid afternoon, we watched Strickly from Saturday night, before the results show. 
Monday we had Will, stayed at home all day, he is potty training, daughter tried earlier in the year and he was not ready, now he is doing well. It was dull after a very wet start to the day, so we were happy to stay inside. 
Today is sign class, I have done my pratice each day, I know my part, but I still get muddled fingers. I am looking forward to catching up with everyone again. 


  1. Everything looks wonderful. What is that dark leafed plant in the second photo? I don't know that one.

    1. It's an ornimental grass, Ophiopogon, Planiscapus Nigrescens. It's slow growing, this is 2 years old, will get to 25cm x 30cms, perfect for infront of the hedgehog pot.

  2. Your containers of plants look lovely, I love to see groups of pots together, they make for a great display. The new season of The Crown is due out soon, I can't wait. The actors have been changed so I'm looking forward to seeing how they each do in their roles as I think the casting in the first two series was brilliant.

  3. Looking lovely, I need to get out and do some work in the garden.

  4. I love the Coleus plants. Your garden is still looking good.

  5. So pretty. We have put our garden to bed for the winter. Snow is forecast overnight and into tomorrow.

    God bless.

    1. I don't know if I would want snow in October, here in UK, we are not good when it snows, our transport comes to a halt. BUT it is so pretty.
