Monday 30 September 2019

September roundup

Not much added to my sewing, just one silk(floss) to finish my fabric for my new bag and a couple of tea towels, no yarn purchased. Garden will always have something I see and like, the total for these items was £92.87 a lower spend month. BUT I have purchased items for glass fusion, this inclused a local workshop, it's always expensive to start a new hobby.

I did spend £14 on a pair or leggings this month, but no new shoes, a total spend so far this year £169.89. I am wearing my slippers, which are looking tatty,  they have been through the washing machine twice already, I will need a new pair soon. Now the season is changing, my sandals are not worn so much, I am starting to wear my warmer clothes, I have lots of home knitted socks.

I have often said here, we don’t waste food, but this month we stayed in a holiday cottage in Wales, they had a little brown food waste bin, which we were asked to use, and now I have to change my views, we don’t waste food, but lots go into the bin, tea/coffee bags, banana skins, seeds from peppers, onion skins, a bit of an eye opener.

Hubby saved a purchase of a new floor lamp early in the month, I use this lamp when sewing, it's an up lighter, and has a powerful bulb. It stopped working, he took it apart, replaced some wire and now its working perfectly again, the lamp us over 20 years old.

We are also updating our camera's on our CCTV, we got it because of the issues from next door, but there has been loads of damage to cars locally, so we have order one new camera and moved one to have a full view of our car, it does look over our nice neighbours front garden, we asked her did she mind, to come in and see what we were covering, but she is happy, it helps protect her home as well.

Our boiler has been playing up again, we had the repair man out twice, 2nd time to fit a new part, we do have a service agreement, so no extra cost for these trips, it's working again now. When we moved in here 10 years ago, we were informed the boiler was a budget model, but as were had fewer radiators than a house, it was thought we would get  a few years out of it, so 10 years later we are not unhappy, just saving for a new one, probably next year.

It's getting cooler, but our house is still lovely and warm, we have not touched the heating button, not even turned it on for an hour as it cools in the evenings, and I don't feel cold. Our new windows and doors are working well, no draughts at all.


  1. They have food waste bins in the area where our cottage is in Scotland and are put out for collection once a fortnight. (We don't use them as we are not there to put them out - but then we don't waste food and have composts for the tea bags etc) The council even supply an overflow food waste bin. We were talking to a man from the council about their recycling and rubbish scheme and he said the food waste collection was the worst rubbish and biggest problem - there is so much of it and causing a big and expensive problem for the council and tax payer.
    I love it when we can repair something - our fridge is now 33 years old - had a new thermostat last year to keep it going a bit longer until we get a new kitchen installed - the kitchen is 37 years old, same as the house - most of our neighbours on this estate are on their 3rd or 4th kitchens - ours is definitely retro now!

  2. Popped in from a mutual friends blog, always fun to meet new bloggers. Yeah on the lamp. Things like that always feel really good. It's hard sometimes because paying for a repair is often more expensive than purchasing new, so we become a throw away society, which isn't good long term for the planet. By the way, how did you add the You Might like with links in your post? Long ago I had code on my blog that did that and somehow it went by the wayside.
    Sandy's Space

  3. It's lovely when you manage to start using something that has been unused or broken. A few months ago my Dad found an old anglepoise light in the shed with an attached magnifying glass. It works a treat and now I don't know how I managed without it. Jane xx

  4. I like how you keep a tally on your spending, I will have to try that next year, although I haven't got excel at home so it will have to be good old fashioned pen and paper. We have had people trying cars in our street too, Mark said we should get a camera but my daughter, (who is a police officer) said unless you are going to get a real top of the range one they are useless to police, these people know there are cameras about and wear balaclavas (like they one trying our car did), or know how to conceal their face. I suppose all we can do is try to deter as much as possible. We don't have food waste bins in our area, I suppose there is always going to be some food waste however hard you try. I haven't put on the heating yet either, if i'm a bit chilly I just fill my water bottle :-).

    1. Our hope is with visible cameras and our car on the drive, they will walk on by. I'm lucky I just don't feel chilly at all.

  5. I read your post the other day about the glass kiln with excitment. I had NO idea you could fuse glass in the microwave. What a fun idea. I can't wait to see how this works for you and what you come up with.
