Monday 24 June 2019

Small harvest

My fruits are starting to ripen, I have been picking raspberries for a couple of weeks, the blackcurrants are now ready, these are for hubby as I don't like the taste.
 The gooseberries are not quite ready, I am hoping the birds stay away, again these are for hubby. The blueberries are not quite there, but there are loads on the bushes. 
Cucumbers are doing well, tomatoes are a bit behind.  
 Whilst I was away over the weekend my Bonsai dried out, I did water it before we went away, so I have given it more rainwater and hope it comes back, my big acer has survived a drought before. It's already looking better. 
 These seeds came in the post from Gardeners world, I will use them all next year.
 I read this book over the weekend whilst away, a very different subject for me, I do like her style of writing. 
We spent almost 7 hours in the car on Friday, the traffic on every part of our journey was horrendous, the journey home on Sunday took 4 hours. Wrexham is a town in decline, the centre like so many others had loads of empty shops and almost no major brands, not that I wanted to shop, cheap shops and charity shops were everywhere. We had no desire to walk around, we did plan to go to Chester on Sunday and have another night away, but the weather forecaste was not good, so we headed for home instead. I am glad we went, husband met loads of people, he spend all of Friday evening chatting and catching up with people. We have been to enough of these meetings for me to recognise wives, we tend to sit together watching our husbands enjoy themselves. But we both agreed this would be the last meeting so far from home, he does meet up every October, when they Ride to the Wall.
It's always great to be home, no Will today he is on holiday with mummy and daddy, Later I am picking up Josh and we will meet with his brother Sam and his mum, we will have tea together.
I have been in the garden, did some dead heading and cut back a few overgrown plants. Rather a lot of my plants I put in the garden have gone, completely eaten, there are loads of bugs this year.
It's dull and muggy here, we are waiting for the promised thunder storms, so my plans are to knit, I'm on my second sock and I have another Jodi Picoult book to read.


  1. It's nice when the harvests start to arrive. I've got lots of flowers on my tomato plants but no fruit has set yet, but it looks like it's going to be a good year for blueberries.

  2. We really need to get organised next year and plant some edibles. All the best with your crop, may it be free from the birds, Cx

  3. Fruits from the garden are so tasty. What a shame your weekend started off with lots of traffic jams.
    DH was only commenting last night on how many plants we have lost in the garden already this year due to bug infestation, its quite disheartening isn't it.
