Monday 10 June 2019

New beds

My new raised bed is looking good, the Coleus are a bit small, but everything else is doing well. The back left hand corner was dug out last week, but no real damage done. The bugs have been added for Will, he loves them, hubby cut down the metal frame, I think it looks better.
 My sink, which sits next to my Acer, with 3 different grasses and 2 Heuchera, Palace Purple, all new plants for me, this year I am trying different styles. I am hoping the colours will sing out next to my Acer. 
 This plant grows along the fence infront of my greenhouse, the bee's love it, every time I come down this end of the garden I hear them, it's very pleasing. 
 I buy loads of bulbs and seeds, plant them and then forget what I have, I don't know what this is growing here, but it looks interesting. I have added 4 packs of seeds this week, they are a bit late, but fingers crossed some will come up. 
  Cucumbers and tomatoes growing, I also have cut leaf salad, spring onions and radishes.
I purchased another chimney, this one is about three foot high, and I won't plant it, I do like it here infront of my Acer, it cost £20, which was a bargain, I have seen the same ones as much as £80. 
We spent Sunday in the garden, we did not have much to do, hubby sorted a couple small jobs and helped me move a couple of pots, all through the year pots get moved in my garden, ensuring I see the best display as possible. I have decided to purchase another Acer for the back area, it will live in a pot, I'm looking for a acid green one, which will add to the area.
My bonsai acer is doing well, I have added to the soil and purchased a feed for it, I had read loads and know it's all about keeping the roots tiny, which keeps the tree tiny, a balance in staying small and being healthy, I do have the bug and would like another bonsai as well as trying to start one myself from cuttings.
Today is Will's day, we had planned to take him to town on the bus, he loves bus and train journeys, but we already have had heavy (lovely) rain and the sky is dark again, so the trip might not happen.  We have nothing to do today, so it's a play day all day.
I am still crafting, I will do a post soon on all my finishes, and hopefully a new start. I am reading alot, getting through the pile of books I was given, there are a couple I have decided not to read, but I still have 10 books in my pile.


  1. Your garden is looking lovely and the chimney pot a bargain - I often keep an empty pot or two more as decoration in the garden.
    My friend has a beautiful Beech bonsai tree when he goes on holiday he has to give it to someone to water as the pots are very small they can dry out quickly and he has nearly lost it once or twice. It must be a resposibility for the person he asks to care for it whilst he is away - he must have had it about 30 years now so good luck with yours.

  2. It's all looking great. No rain here yet but we're forecast it around lunch time and then ongoing for the next few days. I don't know what's wrong with me at the moment, I'm not doing much crafting or reading, I seem to have lost my mojo.

  3. You little plot does look lovely and with so many varieties of foodstuffs to eat too. A friend recommended Morrisons the supermarket where she bought a nice acid green acer, so we visited and DH bought us quite a sizeable specimen for £10. we've got the rain today too.

  4. We've had some rain today, been shopping, had a haircut and made a soup - or rather I did some dusting and laundry whilst husband prepared the soup. Chopped vegetable soup with mushrooms - that was then half blended and topped with grated cheese. I love the Coleus plants, they have such beautiful colours. Cathy x

  5. It all looks so pretty. But then I'm a softy for plants! I was curious about your chimney though. Never heard of it. Is it using an old chimney (like you re-use a sink) or is it made specifically for potted culture - like a special kind of pot?

  6. I love looking at your garden it always makes me smile.
