Monday 3 June 2019

Blooming June

 My inside plants are all flowering, I love to see flowers inside, The orchid flowers last for months, so they become very cost effective. I have 3 other orchid plants which I am hoping will flower again.
 I love cut flowers in the house, I am still buying them, my cut flower bed is just not working, I get flowers but never enough to cut and bring inside regularly.
We have been trying loads of recipes from this book, and we are loving them, they are fresh and tasty, and you do not need to go and purchase loads of strange ingredients. One plus on a couple recipes where we have made a sauce, we have had loads left over and on both occasions we cooked a simple meat the next day and used the sauce. I say we, but as most of you will know my hubby does most of the cooking in this house.
I finished reading Harvesting the heart by Jodie Picoult, it was brilliant, I could not put it down, her writing style is very good, the ending was simple but relevant. It's is the second book I have read of hers, I loved The Storyteller as well, I will look out for more of her books. I have also finished Mums@home by Sophie King, this was a very light funny book, looking at true home life for mum's (and dads). I have found another book in my huge pile.


  1. Beautiful flowers! I just love that shade of pink! Sadly growing indoor plants never seems to work for me, so I leave them outdoors. Best, Jane :)

  2. My orchid is just coming back into flower now too. I've never really been one for houseplants, preferring cut flowers, but I've got a couple of plants now and I'd like to add to my collection as and when I see something I like. I love Sweet Williams, I took some to the crematorium yesterday, along with some beautiful yellow roses, for my mum and sister.

  3. I've had orchids in the past but they've never survived for long. Must have been doing something wrong. I had a Christmas cactus given by a friend as a birthday present, it lasted for years.

  4. You always have the perfect pots for your plants. That little blue pot is adorable. My orchids used to last years when we had a place with a sunroom but only sometimes rebloom. a bet a greenhouse is the trick though.

    1. Most of my pots are purchased from our charity shops, I am always looking for something different, the blue pot is a candle holder. The greenhouse is not good for orchids, the sunlight burns their leaves. Mine is in the sitting room next to a window, which does not get direct sunlight.

  5. I've been thinking of getting that book, glad you're finding it good, may go grab a copy. X

  6. Lovely photos of your plants. I've read the Storyteller for the local book club, it was very good, though I can't remember much about it now. It's strange when you read a book, it's really intense and you live the moment with the characters but then... you're off to the next book and struggle to remember, Cathy x

  7. Your book seems to be very popular, I've seen a few with it in their baskets at the supermarket.

  8. I have two cute mini orchids I got from Ikea a couple of years ago and they flower profusely. Which reminds me I need to go and rescue them from the water they are standing in before I go to bed. They seem to prefer being watered from below and never mind getting dried out in between.
