Tuesday 18 June 2019

Another reused 'pot'

I found this copper coal bucket on facebook, it was not too expensive, but perfect for my hosta's, which this year is being ate by slugs and snails, the copper will stop them getting to my plants, it should look good once the leaves come back. i would have liked a bigger pot for both hostas, but I will see if this works.
Just a selection of photo's from my planted 3 chimney pots, these have all been purchased 2nd hand at different times. I love to plant them with trailing flowers, as the pot is as interesting as the flowers.  These 2 pots have been moved around the garden to find their suitable resting spot.
 This is my small chimney pot, it sits in my back garden, filling a corner where nothing wanted to grow, I love the begonia which tumbles out the top each year. 
 I like to group the different pots together, and I will use anything as a pot. 
I did this post because I was asked how I use chimney pots, I love to play with the planting, trying now to use plants which will return each year, bedding plants can be so expensive. 
Because this soil level is so high, I do not remove the plants over winter. The soil stays reasonable dry through the wettest months, and most of my plants don't damage in the cold. I have a geranium in one pot, which is 4 years old and has been outside each winter, even in the snow. 
Pot's can be harder work and the soil does dry out quicker and therefore requires watering more often, but the positive side is you can grow anything in them, your soil does not matter as you can get any type of compost to suit your planting. 
The above photo's I have used are from previous years, my pots are not in flower yet, they give height to my garden, and can change a dull spot very quickly. These 3 are true chimney pots, there are always second hand ones for sale locally, I love the look and feel of them, but I will use anything as a pot, here is the tall white pot which was used to hold an old toilet brush, now reused, next to a ice cream dish and on the lower shelf is a china sugar pot.


  1. I would definitely have many more pots if we didn't go away quite so much, as it is now there are far too many to move to a shady spot if we are away for more than a few days. Yours are all beautiful and I like the fact you can move them around to add a bit of colour to a corner where any early flowering plants are over.

    1. We always have our longer holidays in September or October, so the garden can look after it's self. I always give my pots a huge soak before we go away for a couple of days, and they come to no harm, even last summer the pots were OK.

  2. You'll have to let us know how your hostas get on in the copper pot, that's a great idea if it works. I gave up on growing hostas as they just became dinner for the slugs.

  3. Ooh you have now just given me an idea. I purchased 2 hostas for the first time this year and so far I have been able to ward off the beasties of the slugs and the snails. They are still young plants and I have not yet repotted them mainly because I couldn't decide where they would be best placed until they get established. I'm now thinking that I have two chimney pots that I bought with us when we moved from the cottage, they were the original pots off the chimney's as they had to be replaced because of cracking. I think my little hosta's will be quite at home sitting in the tops of them will let you know.


  4. I love chimney pots with plants in them, they have become quite expensive to buy though as everyone wanted them. You are very inventive in your planting pots :-)

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog, I have often read yours but not left a comment, your Dad sounded like my children's father. Fortunately I came to my senses and left him! I love your blog, and remembered the lovely chimney pot I had that was stolen from our garden when we were moving from that house.. they must have been strong because it was an original Victorian one and full of soil. We think they hopped over from next doors where a little old lady lived, because there was no back access.. we have a very large garden here and like you it's my happy place. We've been here 2 years so still doing things altho' big jobs in the house all done but like you the sitting room and dining room left to decorate. Maybe we'll do it ourselves as we don't plan anything extra-ordinary, just change the colour slightly. Loved all your socks and the beautiful ripple blanket, that is my favourite design for crochet. I shall pop back!

  6. Your copper pot looks great, Marlene. I love unusual pots and planters. Meg:)

  7. I have a coal fire and have that exact coal bucket, although mine has been painted in a bargeware bright and colourful design. Hope it keeps the rotten slugs away, my hostas have not been affected as yet ... hope I didn't speak too soon.

  8. You have a lovely selection of unusual pots, all the best with your hostas, Cathy x

  9. Thanks for posting about this, M. I was wondering what a chimney pot was. Upon further research, they actually sit on top of a chimney. So they're made for one objective, but once removed, they're re-purposed. As in, your container pots. There seems to be a demand for them. Interesting how they work in your climate, for your plants. Thanks for sharing. :)
