Tuesday 8 January 2019

Tractor day

 Tractor on You Tube
Next door is having ground works done in their back garden, Will was the happiest boy ever, he watched them for hours, loving when the big lorry arrived, every little boys dream day. Will calls everything a tractor.
We watched The Favorite at the cinema, a period drama with a difference, the acting was good, Olivia Colman's performance as Queen Ann was brilliant, did I love the film, it was different, hubby flipped between bored and simply not understanding what was going on.
Olivia Colman is the inn keepers wife in Les Miserables, shown on BBC1 on Sunday evenings, this is the story taken from the book, no music. I love the musical, hated the movie, but I am loving this series.
All my time is spent on my ripple blanket, soon it will be finished.


  1. He must have been delighted at having all that construction traffic nearby. He looks so happy.

  2. I'm loving the series too. I personally don't like it as a musical. My grandsons went to Diggerland and loved every second.

  3. It makes my heart swell to see your lovely little boy watching the tractor. Children are the light of life aren't they, so happy with simple things.

    I am not keen on Olivia Colman, to me she seems to always have the same manner in whatever she acts in.
    Looking forward to seeing the finished blanket, you've made me want to make one, lol

  4. What a shame he couldn't have come and watched our major ground works at the cottage when we had our stream bank put back together - even I found it quite exciting with all the big machinery as they lifted gabions in place and moved tons of earth around. Our lawn looked liked it had giant moles for a while and I was tempted to run up and down the heaps. It is all back together now and you wouldn't know anyone had been.
    I noticed Les Miserables was on the other night but too late to come into it part way now.

  5. Will must have been a happy little boy with all that going on just outside the window. I've only watched the first episode of Les Miserables so far so I haven't seen Olivia Colman in it yet but I sometimes like her and sometimes don't, it seems to depend what she's in. I'm not struck on the comedies I've seen her in, she appears too ditzy. I'm not sure The Favourite will be for me.

  6. I love how little children are delighted with the simple things in life. My James, now 26, was steam train mad as a little boy. On Les Miserables, I lurve Hugh Jackman, but the movie wasn't the best, nor was the singing ( but then, I can't sing ) I didn't get into the TV version, so left it. Best, Jane x

  7. Oh, the sweet smile on Will's face in your first photograph … amazing.

    All the best Jan

  8. Wow what an exciting day for him! Have you seen Mighty Machines on youtube? It's a Canadian program for kids about tractors, dump trucks, all kinds of machinery. It's really fun and all of us learned a lot.

  9. It is so cute to watch Will with the heavy equipment. When my Grandson was little it was a cement truck. We stood for one hour or more watching curbs being placed by the cement truck!!

  10. Lucky Will, what a treat to be entertained all day with the big trucks.
