Friday 4 January 2019


From this
 to sorted
 Junk drawer
For me January is the sort out and planning month, planning is very easy, I make list, I love a list, at work I was always know as queen of excel, if ever we had a meeting, it was always left to me to make a spreadsheet, play around with the figures showing the best and worse of our results, it was always a labour of love. So it's no surprise I still keep spreadsheets, thank you for your many comments regarding my targets, with years of working in sales I find a target keep my mind focus.
I also love a tidy home, and sorting the bottom big drawer with my stash of magazines in brought to the fore front, how much money I have spent on magazines, I threw loads away, I did offer them free on our local facebook page, but no takers. I don't throw much away these days, simply because I don't buy so much, which has been our driving force for a couple of years, we both love life without the clutter. Enjoying our savings with the unspent monies.
My mind is turning to cleaning the kitchen again, I did a huge clean beginning of last year, with the promise I would do it again in September, which did not happen, I am mainly talking the top of the kitchen cabinates, dirty but necessary job, on my list to do this month.
The builders from next door are making a mess of our shared drive, they are digging out foundations for a conservatory, and are going to pave the whole garden, they have already been erecting 6' wooden panel fences, which won't impact on our sitting area, it will be nice to have our garden private again, we don't mind in a few weeks they will be gone and the peace will return.
I had a fantastic afternoon with Josh and Sam on Friday, we went to Lee on the Solent, it was a cold sunny day, we spent some time in the amusement arcades, they had cake and ice cream, followed by a nice walk along the water edge. Perfect way to spend time with my eldest grandsons.


  1. DH has big plans here for junk removal... held his garage I would have said!

  2. It always feels so good when I've had a sort out, we got rid of lots of things we'd hung on to last year but there's always more to do. Glad you had a lovely afternoon with your grandsons.

  3. I have been waging a one woman battle on the kitchen with help from husband - I cannot reach top shelves!
    Do you have a Freecycle in your area? Its great you advertise and someone collects

    Julie xxxx

    1. I have used freecycle before, but I find often there are more problems, people don't turn up, once when someone came to collect they complained it was not what they really wanted, and eyed up my newer model.

  4. Wish I lived near you I would have had the magazines - they would satisfy my magazine craving when I have one - I used to be able to 'borrow' some from our local Library and there was a place in the market hall in town that sold old copies much cheaper. Where do all those old copies go if the shops don't sell them? I am trying hard not to buy any again this year other than my Christmas subscription gift - I will know in a day or two if I did well or not last year when I look at our financial review.
    Enjoy the good clean if it happens.

  5. A good tidy up is so good for the mind, bet you felt on air after that, lol

  6. I’m in the study decluttering and relabelling today. All Christmas craft supplies are now on top shelf of spare room wardrobe and I am trying to make an inventory of all the stuff I have for my craft classes. The fabric and yarn were culled last week and much has gone to new homes. I am not getting my sewing machine out until it is all done. Glad you had a lively day in the fresh air.

  7. Your afternoon at Lee on the Solent with Josh and Sam sounds fun.

    All the best Jan

  8. Everyone has a junk draw, or four. I've got a whole junk room, posing as my creative studio *wink*! I've had a bit of a cleaning bug happening at my place too. Enjoy the fruits of your labour. There's nothing quite like it. Especially to start the new year with. :)
