Saturday 8 December 2018

Colouring our world.

All the colours
 2nd ball of each colour
I have finished my 2nd 5th of the blanket, so I have used each colour at least twice, I have used white and black more, as I have extra balls of both. I purchased 2 balls of each colour, I worked out that would be enough, plus I had some left over from the blanket I sold to my sister, in the basket is the last of the yarn from the 1st ball, once these have been used I will start on the 2nd ball in the net bag.
This blanket is again random and different than the last rippled blanket, even thou they are made using the same colours,  I do not plan too many colours in advance, I just decide what colour looks good next to the one finished and work from there, keeping an eye on what I have done so far to ensure I don't repeat myself.
This blanket is getting heavy and with the milder days I am very warm whilst working on it. As it gets colder it won't be any problem.
Both hubby and I love how it looks on our spare bed, it is just the burst of colour I wanted for the room, I have an African theme going on, with loads we have purchased whilst on holiday in Africa, and with the yellow walls and the deep red painted on the window wall, the colours only enhance the look I am wanting.
My cat Grace is a lap cat, but I don't allow her to sit on my work, so I am getting boggy looks from her, but she does have a warm cosy basket to sleep in.
This is a pure form of enjoyment, I can do loads whilst hubby is reading or watching TV, on the downside, I am not reading too much.


  1. It's gorgeous Marlene, we like plain walls with pops of colour from accessories and homemade blankets or throws too. Crocheting is just so relaxing and satisfying isn't it.

  2. It's looking great, you've really cracked on with it, you'll have it finished in no time.

  3. It is glorious, a riot of warm colours. It makes me itch to get one on the hook. I need to get cracking on a magic ball with my sock yarn leftovers.

  4. What a beautiful blanket. It's really going to look cheery in the winter. Doesn't the cat try to play with the yarn while you work? I used to have to shut our cats in a spare room while crocheting, they absolutely could not resist chewing on yarn.

    1. I'm really lucky, both cats allow me to use yarn, they do eye the balls up, but stay away.

  5. It's looking super Marlene! I can't believe how fast it's growing!

  6. WOW!! It's looking fabulous! My current blanket is in very subdued colours compared to yours! I'm really 'hooked' on crochet now! Best, Jane x

    1. I normally stay away from bright colours, but I wanted to use as many different shades as possible, plus I have colour in the spare bedroom, I can't wait until it's finished.

  7. It's grown so quickly, and is very lovely

  8. A beautiful looking blanket, love the colours.

    All the best Jan
