Wednesday 17 October 2018

With a difference

The difference is the handles are shorter and wider, these are not for shoulder straps, plus I made a small bag for it is sit in, whist not in use. I had great fun making this little set, I did it last Sunday, whilst we had a day of rain. I had not shown before as it was a gift and it needed to get to a lady Sue, Snooze, I think it's fair to say 2018 is not her families best year. She had requested the bag, just before I began to feel blue, so it took much longer for me to find my mojo and make it for her.


  1. I'd only requested to buy a bag, so to receive all the other lovely bits, including the little zipped pocket to hold the bag, and then for you to say it was a gift and you didn't want payment, was just so overwhelming it made me cry. Thank you again so much Marlene, I'm glad you put a photo up as it didn't work on my blog. Oh, and I forgot to mention on my blog that Marlene said initially she was going to include some chocolate in the parcel, but didn't as she knows I'm trying to lose weight - how thoughtful is that. So much thought went into that parcel, I'm so grateful.

  2. Oh, I do like the idea of the little storage pouch. I may have to do a copy cat version, they would make perfect project bag and notions pouch.

  3. I love this little bag and it's little bag keeper. It'll keep it neatly folded and clean until it's needed. I haven't done any sewing for ages. My machine is gathering dust and cobwebs; I must get it out and do some :)

  4. I love your bags, I'm sure they'd cheer anyone up.

  5. Love the design on the material …
    They look great :)

    All the best Jan

  6. What a very pretty bag. I am sure she will love it!
