Monday 17 September 2018

I've got worms

Lovely fine compost
 Hard working worms
 Note the best area of dahlias, next to the wormery
I removed the tomato plant, loads of green tomatoes
popped into paper bags, left on the table,
they will ripen over the next few weeks.
 I did get into the greenhouse, cleared the cucumber plant and the raised bed, I have plans for this space, but first I will pull everything out the greenhouse and give it all a good clean.
 My pepper plant has loads of fruit on, I am letting them dry out on the plant, I did this a few years ago with great success, they keep well once dried, which is good as I don't eat chillies.
 I love the walk to my greenhouse
still loads of colour
My wormery is doing well, all kitchen waste is put in here, the compost looks fine and rich, and the juice from the bottom helps feeds my plants, when we get heavy rain the bottom sump fills up, so often I open the tap and let some drain into the garden, hence my wonderful growth on the dahlia bush next to the worms. I have no plans to use the compost until next spring. 
We managed a couple of hours in the garden, me in the greenhouse, hubby about our tiny plot doing chores, the new season is here, leaves are dropping and require picking up each day, spider webs everywhere. The warm sunshine was lovely on Sunday afternoon, I do love a warm September day, always a bonus. 
I have stopped picking blackberries, the few remaining are for the birds, I have been making cordons for the brambles to grow along, I want the long garage wall to be full of fruit next year, plus I am trying to get them over my shed. 
In the next week, I have bulbs to plant, cutting to take and create a new raised garden in the greenhouse. I also need to shop for gravel, slate and pebbles, not too many of each. I at my most happiest when I have a garden plan and it's all ready to go. 


  1. That compost looks fabulous. Your dahlias are a sure sign of the goodness in your garden.

  2. Sounds like you are really organized with your garden chores.
    I've started planting my bulbs but i'm afraid I haven't been out in the garden much over this last week.

    1. I've not done much, my to do list is longer than normal.

  3. How lovely to enjoy the autumn sunshine-I’m much happier now the really hot weather is past. Your garden looks so productive with food to eat and flowers to enjoy.

    1. I don't get huge amounts of each produce, but I do like to have some harvest from my tiny plot.

  4. Your dahlias are magnificent.

  5. love reading about your beautiful garden and what it produces.clever you.x

  6. You just reminded me to take the huge spider web down when coming in the back door. I hate to but company coming tomorrow evening! I sure wish I could have sent you the worms I cleaned up this weekend. Wax (bee) moth. They took over some of the honey frames I was storing in the pole barn. I've been beekeeping since 2003 and have never had such a problem. I figured some fisherman would have paid me for the mess. Instead I spent the weekend cleaning it up!


  7. Your garden looks good for both flowers and vegetables, nice to see your photographs here, thanks.

    All the best Jan

  8. Garden looking good. I rather like the end-of-summer straightening up in the greenhouse :)

  9. We have a worm farm too, Marlene, and it's fantastic how they turn ordinary kitchen scraps into goodness for the garden. Your dahlias look lovely. I don't grow them myself but the fellow next door does and they are quite beautiful! Meg:)
