Monday 28 May 2018

Back home

My mum's garden bird bath
 My sister was getting rid of this bath as the dish was scruffy, it did have a sun dial in the middle, which she kept. I knew this was coming home with me, so I got a pot of Camomile  daises and separated them into a tray, they filled out and were ready to be planted here. I'm not sure if this is going to work, but it's worth the try. My herb garden looks good. 
I have planted my cucumbers in the raised bed in the greenhouse, I followed Julies advice, and planted a bottle beside them, last night I watered into the bottle. I have taken a couple forming cucumbers off the bottom of the plant, these would sit on the earth and they never grow well. 
 50p tomato has loads of little fruit, I have basil growing in the same pot, I have done it for years, the tomatoes taste better. 
I have a few plants to go into the garden today. 
We had a good couple of days away in Somerset, the drive down on Friday was a nightmare over 4 hours, the traffic was relentless, we chose to drive home yesterday, and had a perfect drive, no holdups along the A303, which in the summer is often a nightmare. The M3 was slow, but we only had a few junctions. Home mid afternoon, we relaxed in our garden, I pottered for a while, sorting the bird bath and greenhouse.
We had meals out, one in a posh pub, over priced food and not up to the standard it advertised, we played with our Somerset boys, Logan and Finn, the play area was good, it's nice to be able to spend time outside.
I spent the day with my sister on Saturday, we went to a Junk Yard, huge in a field, saw some lovely things, most too big for our garden, they had full size milk churns, but again over priced. We went to a nursery, which had lovely plants and then on to Monkton Elm garden center, which I love.
Later we had a meal in the village, with my sister and brother at the  Friendly Spirit, they had a reduced menu, we each had a good meal, better value and then later sat in the outside tent watching the thunder storm, we walked home in a break in the rain keeping nice and dry.
Today we are at home, we did have plans but they have been changed, the sun is shinning, we have our meals planned, no BBQ tonight, just resting, both hubby and I are home lovers.


  1. Sound as if you had a very enjoyable break with family. I like how you have repurposed the bath and its lovely seeing your garden grow.

  2. I'm glad you enjoyed the weekend with your family. The birdbath looks lovely, it will look really pretty once the plants flower.

  3. A lovely way to repurpose the birdbath.
