Thursday 3 May 2018

A bit grey

This is my first sock
 I'm working on the heel
 I started this book whilst away
  A bit more cross stitch, working on the pale green
Why did I start this, French knots for goodness sake
but it does look nice, I will keep going but I think it will take a bit longer. 
I thought I should update my crafting, I have a good mixture on the go, I am loving knitting the sock, so far it is very easy going. The French knots are OK, but they have to be neat, so it takes more concentration, so it's not great to do in evening when hubby is home, but I will try and give myself an hour a few afternoon's each week. I only have this part of the design to do.
Tuesday was a great day, it was sunny and bright, the whole sign language class came for the lunch, Shelia our tutor is such a lovely lady, the meal was great, and her husband turned up with her birthday present, a lovely convertible BMW, she was speechless, we then popped to a localish garden center for a wander and coffee.
Wednesday woke up to rain, cold and dull, I spent the morning inside, infact I went nowhere, the day was so dull, by evening the skies cleared. We had British Gas to our house, to check all appliances and our meter, the woman next door is still saying there are drug fumes from our house, we know there are no drug fumes and now know again our gas is OK. 
This morning we have bright sunshine, I am wearing my sandals again (but not left off my vest), I have been to the doctors for Amoxicillo tablets to help clear my chest and cough, I really have had enough of the lingering issues.
The garden is looking fantastic, always does when the sun shines, I have gooseberries growing on my bushes, fingers crossed we will have a crop this year.


  1. Lots of lovely crafting things going on, Marlene. I should think your tutor was speechless, that's an amazing birthday present! Hope the antibiotics do the trick.

  2. Well done with the socks, they're looking great. Wow, what a birthday present, I think I'd have been speechless too. Hope you're feeling better soon, it's so annoying how long these things can linger but at least you've got some anitbiotics now so they should help.

  3. You are making great progress on your craft projects. French knots are not my favourite either but they do make a design look very pretty. Hope you manage to clear your bugs with the antibiotics.

  4. My Gran always used to say never leave your vest off until May is out!, my kids think it's very funny when I say it, but it's true ;_)
    Lovely progress on your projects, they socks are looking great.
    Have a good weekend

  5. Well done on mastering the sock knitting, it looks splendid.
    A BMW - that was a birthday present and a half!
