Friday 20 April 2018

Reasons to be cheerful: Part 1

I am blessed with a loving close family, as we grow older my siblings have all become closer, I am one of nine children, with 6 of us left. My youngest daughter is a pure joy. Kev's sons are also very loving. Our 6 grandsons complete our happiness, having Will once a week on a Monday is pure pleasure.
Hubby and I celebrate 32 years of marriage and 34 years together, for both of us, it's a second marriage, he makes me so happy, I am a truly lucky lady (he also makes me swear at him at times).

I have always had two cats, now I am home all day, it's fun to have them close, they follow me into the garden or where ever I go, I get lots of snuggles.

We have worked hard in our garden, made mistakes, but now it's our happy place, less hard work, just pottering around and enjoying the space, our sun loungers are ready to be brought out.

I have time now for sewing, cross stitch, knitting and other things, I have a couple of hobbies I want to try, plus I get plenty of time to read.

Camper van
The enjoyment of our van is huge, we have it summer ready, so all we need to add is clothes and food, we are away on a lovely site for a few days, sun shine makes everything feel so much better.

I have been feeling good for a while, I have lost half a stone and hit the target I made to myself for the end of the month, I am now my pre Christmas weight. I still have loads to lose, lots of my lovely clothes in the wardrobe are a bit tight, and I am NOT going up a dress size. My fitness levels are improving, still not up to the steps I set every day, but I am much more active. We have our bikes which we are now using, it's no fun to cycle in the rain.

Plus the sun is shining and it's warm.

Happiness and contentment are such a precious thing, often they are so close we can almost clasp them. After this long damp cold 'Spring' season, when I have at times felt so blue, it feels good to be so upbeat. 
I am lucky I am well, I do have health issues, mainly small things I can live with, leftover from my struggle with cancer in 2010, but as my mum used to say 'pull your socks up and get on with it'. 
Finishing work last year was the best thing for me, now I have time, all my life we were short of time,  having to fit in work, family, relationships,  it was a struggle for so long.
So tell me your reasons to be cheerful......


  1. Wow, one of nine. I would have loved to have been part of a big family. My mum is one of eleven and I always wished that she'd had more children so that I had more siblings. I'd have liked to have more children but cancer put a stop to that. My reasons to be cheerful are all very similar to yours, family is at the top of the list. I'm lucky to still have my parents around, they're both in their mid 80s now and both got health issues but it's a gift to still have them around.

  2. What a wonderful post, Marlene. We are both enjoying retirement (not that I'm retirement age, but I stopped work when we moved here, no opportunities for work), we love having more time together and being able to work in the garden together. Moving down here to rural Somerset from a busy Midlands town was the best thing we ever did and I'm grateful every day for it.

  3. Well let's see....I think I need to start doing the gratitude journal thing because I haven't really felt happy lately. I'm pretty sure the weather here has had a lot to do with it. It even snowed yesterday morning! Just...won't...stop...snowing! I REALLY want to get outside and do Spring stuff, but it's been so cold. I'm happy for the sunshine coming in the bedroom window this morning! I'm thinking we might have turned the corner on winter weather! (Fingers crossed!)


  4. Reasons to be cheerful: I have enjoyed almost two wonderful years of retirement, I am fit and healthy, my children are content in their lives, I have had a lot of successful growing in my garden which I love. And lots of the things you mentioned to. Love the sunshine.

  5. What an uplifting post. My family makes me cheerful every day. Losing one of us has made us appreciate what we have so much more. Our precious children and Grandchildren Living in the Cotswolds on a day full of sunshine and warmth. Having a small motorhome for seaside adventures. Both of my elderly parents in good health... so much to enjoy:)

  6. What a lovely post, sometimes we are so busy we forget to make the most of the small things, and they are usually the ones that are most important.
    I have been down for quite a while too, but the sunshine these last two days have lifted my mood a little. I really do have reasons to be cheerful though, a brand new Grandson :-) seeing my Grandaughter getting excited and smiling, my garden all lovely and tidy ready for the summer, my girls happy and settled and, I can have a lie-in tomorrow :-)
    Thank you for making me think that there are many things I can be happy and grateful for.
    Have a good weekend.

  7. It's the small things that make me happy these days. Coffee/cake with a friend, reading a good book, a phone call from my brother.
