Tuesday 24 April 2018

Knitting finish

It's finished
 Yoke, I changed this design
there should have been grey in the darker brown
 Close up
 Another change
the cast on row should have been mid brown,
 but I thought the dark brown looked better
 I'm not sure if you can see this
it's the cast off rows along the raglan
 I love this design
 Not to waste this grey wool, I purchased a second ball and will make my 1st pair of socks. 
The design of the jumper is a snug fit, which I love, I never wear baggy clothes. In truth it is a bit tight for me, but I am in the process of loosing weight, so by winter later this year it will be good. It is the same size as all my clothes in my wardrobe. I did lengthen the sleeves, I felt this design required a full length sleeve, and I also added a few extra rows on the body of the jumper.
This is the first thing I have knitted for myself in years, I really enjoyed every stitch, and I am planning more knitting, firstly a pair of socks. I am unable to wear lambs/sheep wool, I have an allergy to lanolin, so finding Alpaca wool has been a pure joy for me it is so soft to touch,  trying on the finished jumper without any itching, gives me the confidence to knit more clothes.
I enjoyed stitching on circular needles, the neck was harder due to the reduced number of stitches and using four double pointed needles, I got a longer set, but still felt it was all points sticking in everywhere. I am hoping when I make my socks, the smaller number of stitches will be easier on four double pointed needles. The plus side of knitting in the round was I had almost no sewing together, the arms were also knitted on the round, so the only sewing together was under each arm. I found the decreasing at the neck easy, as it was Incorporated in the pattern, so I found it easy to know where I was at any point. A plain jumper would have made it much harder to keep the decreasing neat.


  1. I love your jumper, you did a great job with it.
    Good luck with the sock knitting :-) I've started several times and given up but last week I started again and I am now at the heel turn!

  2. It's fabulous, you must be so pleased with it. I really like the design, the pattern and the length you've given to the sleeves. I think it fits really well, it's definitely not noticeable that it's a bit tight. Well done.

  3. This looks amazing and will keep you lovey and warm next winter. I've tried a couple of times at socks and gave up I am sure you have far more patience and will succeed easily.

  4. That is absolutely beautiful work x I am in awe x

  5. A lovely addition to your wardrobe, looks the perfect fit... well done.
