Friday 2 March 2018

Snug and warm

Thursday morning
 Thursday afternoon
 This morning
Our cats have been out
 Warm and cosy now
Library books 
Yesterday morning was a dull clear time, the small amount of snow from the night before was frozen on the ground.
Yesterday afternoon, the skies went white and snow fell, no where near the amounts seen on TV from around the UK, but for us it was the most we have seen since 2013.
We had no snow over night, but storm Emma is due, we have no reason to go out, all of our young families are safe, all spread around UK and southern Ireland.
We live in a good community, already on facebook people with 4x4 vehicles are asking who requires help, and our local page is collecting people to do shopping trips, ect for local elderly, we are not going to add our names, best we stay inside unless really required. 
Our cats did manage to go out, they did their business and came back in, I am pleased I was thinking of getting some cat litter, but prefer not to have it in the house.
Grace went for her checkup and injections, she is now 14 years old, the vet is pleased with her, Grace has always been a tiny cat, so we keep an close eye on her health, she has had a blood test, just checking.  Purdy will be taken to the vets tonight for her injection and check up. The vet is just around the corner, so we can walk there.
I have finished reading Friend Request, 1st book by Laura Marshall, I enjoyed the story line and the believable plot, I would read the next book once it is out.
Nothing planned for today, had my lovely porridge for breakfast, we have home made soup and bread for lunch, tonight I am making Paella with chicken for tea. 
Hope you are all safe and warm inside, it's not a day for outside.


  1. I don't really need to go anywhere today, save for walking the dog. I've stayed close to home since Wednesday, only going out to the gym and to do some top up grocery shopping on foot. LB is off school today as it is closed, so it's nice to have her around at home.

    I'm back at work on Saturday, so I will need to venture out then by bus, but to be honest, I'll be glad of the change of scenery. I'm going a little bit stir crazy.

  2. I'm glad you haven't had it too bad. We were snowed in yesterday but I think we've had the worst of it now, though the snow isn't thawing because it's just so cold. The winds have arrived now too. Like your cats, Archie isn't keen to go out in it, he's such a pampered pooch.

  3. Always best if you can to stay in the warm. We popped out to the shops just down the road to collect prescriptions for mum and dad and a couple of bits MIL needed but now we are back in the warm for the day. So glad they all live nearby. We've got sleety rain now and some of the snow has melted so it's going to be icy and dangerous over the weekend no doubt. Stay safe and enjoy your other book.

  4. Worcester is another part of the county where we seem to have avoided the worst of the snow. It's nice that your cats still want to get out and 'stretch their paws'. I'm also pleased to read that everything went well for Grace at the vets yesterday. Ella sends purrs and cuddles. Jx I

  5. I'm off work today thank goodness, two days of trying to get to work was a nightmare so enjoying the warmth of the house but listening to the wind. I too enjoyed Friend Request and would probably read the next one. Hubby is at work though so just catching up on all the 'important things'. Stay warm and let's hope all this horrible weather clears soon.

  6. Glad all is well with your puss cats. The garden looks so pretty with its white covering of snow.

  7. That is just a nice amount of snow to say you have had some but not enough to cause problems like the rest of the country. We have no snow in our part of Scotland - South West peninsula but cannot get back home yet to Yorkshire due to the snow there so having to sit it out in the caravan a while longer - we have some rather fierce high winds though rocking the van.

  8. I've had my eye on both those books, I will get round to them at sometime. We have had quite a bit of snow it's drifted because of the wind so looks way more. My two cats won't venture out, not because of the snow but because the don't like the wind lol. Stay warm x

  9. We have had our winter weather lately too. I am really tired of it!

  10. My grandaghter was checking out animal tracks in the back garden, her dog, next doors cat and then there were fox prints... they must be looking for food in the cold weather, she was excited by them.
