Monday 26 March 2018

All done

The bathroom is finished
 We are both pleased with it
 The shelf and window sill was always cluttered
 Plenty of storage
We are both delighted with the work hubby has done, he is a perfectionist, and it always shows in his finished work.
I love the sink unit, the large sink looks good and is not to big, the storage below has plenty of room, I purchased a tray for underneath, which holds our cleaning items. The plan is to keep is clutter free, but have spares of items we need close by.
I love my bathroom white, with just a hint of colour, with white towels, everywhere looks so clean, I'm the same with sheets and quilt covers for our bed, they are all pure white.
I read some brilliant post on cleaning from Mum's Simple Living Blog, my cleaning routine has slipped since I retired, I have plenty of time to clean, but I'm not cleaning as much as I did. In truth, I cleaned to a routine when I worked to ensure the house stayed tidy, All my life I have cleaned a clean house, and when I retired I thought I would cut back. But I need the structure again, I don't want cleaning days, where I blitz the house, I prefer routine like Mum's (sorry I don't know your name), so this morning I did our bedroom and bathroom and stairs.
I have done nothing since Friday morning, I have picked up Will's tummy bug, and have been off my feet for three days, spending all of Saturday in bed, I am on the mend, but I have no energy to do anything, including craft and knitting. I am beginning to think I was healthier when I was working, then I did not have time to be ill.


  1. It looks so great. Your husband has done a fantastic job of it. Mine is desperately in need of a revamp and I could really do with some extra storage.
    Feel better soon. The germs have caught up with us yet again too! It seems never ending. X

  2. Your bathroom looks lovely, i like things simple in the bathroom too, so much easier to keep clean.
    I try to keep to some sort of routine with cleaning, especially washing and changing beds but I do love to have a good blitz of everything every now and again, it makes me feel better :-)
    Fortunately I quite like cleaning so doing housework never feel like a chore and yes, to others I am always cleaning a clean house too, lol

    I do hope you are feeling better now, children do like to share their germs don't they.

  3. The bathroom looks great, you're husband's done a great job. I have a routine where cleaning is concerned, it means that everywhere gets a good clean on a regular basis so that the whole house never needs blitzing in one go. I hope you're feeling better soon.

  4. It looks super. I love the colour of the paint. Ours needs doing too. Sorry you’re poorly. Fingers crossed you’re better in a day or two.

  5. Bathroom looks wonderful!
    This is the first time I've seen your blog on our laptop - I had no idea you and I had matching cats! Too funny.
