Sunday 6 August 2017

Celebration BBQ

Hubby turned my woodwork project into a sign
I wanted nice legs so it was free standing, he even managed to get a green pole so the legs matched the colour of the lettering. The clear varnish has brought out the grain in the wood. 
 Also finished is my hedgehog and birdhouse. 
This corner is very wildlife friendly
 Another new Orchid £5 from B&Q.
 I have been given lovely cards and flowers for my retirement. 
 This bunch is stunning
 The best card and a sign which upset alot of my working friends 
Yesterday, we had a huge storm at mid day, every where was drenched. But by 4pm as people started arriving for our BBQ the sun was bright and every where was dry. Our artificial grass dries very quickly, so the children were able to run around and play.
Hubby cooked a lovely BBQ, I sorted quiche and salad items. I found on Pintrest  a recipe for French Grandmothers Lemon Yogurt Cake and decided to make it, it was lovely, I have a new page at the top of my blog and will add the recipe there.
We had loads of family and friends, we spent all of yesterday later afternoon and evening sat in sunshine, chatting, watching the children playing, with a few glasses of wine.
Most of our family are traveling home this afternoon, we are having a lazy time, the house and garden is back tidy.
Thank you for all your kind comments, my back is much better, after two very good nights sleep, I am almost back to normal, I can feel the spot, it does not hurt, but I know to still take care.  I now have to start walking again, my steps this week have been very low each day.


  1. Your sign, and other wooden items, look lovely. Glad the weather brightened up in time for the barbecue, it sounds like you all had a lovely time.

  2. Happy retirement!
    Glad the weather improved enough for your barbecue.
    Love your garden sign, and you certainly grabbed a bargain at B&Q :-)

  3. What beautiful flowers, enjoy your retirement, it's the best job I've ever had. Love your sign and the sound of that lemon cake.

  4. What a wonderful way to celebrate your retirement! Congratulations! I have enjoyed every minute of mine.

  5. Happy retirement to you, Marlene. So lovely that the weather cleared for your bbq. Meg:)

  6. The llama card made me smile, and such pretty flowers.
    Nice snapshot of those you hold dear.
    Happy retirement!

  7. Welcome to your retirement! Love the garden sign.
