Sunday 26 March 2017

Mothering Sunday

Hubby saw these and thought of me
he always gets me flowers on Mothering Sunday
These are so pretty, and the sign for my shed.
Lovely cards again this year. 
A special little gift from Will along with his photo card
Plus an extra mirror for my car, 
so I can see the little ones sitting in the back seat. 
 I have managed loads of cross stitching, the leek is almost finished
I'm not sure about it being yellow, but that is how it is shown on the badge
I am even enjoying the blocks of colour
We have had a perfect weekend, the weather has been brilliant, warm sunny days, we have both been in the garden each afternoon. Hubby has been replacing the fascia on the garage, using plastic so it should last our time here. I have sorted my shed, loads of stuff in now in my potting table drawers, I have moved things around in the shed, giving me more space, and I even swept it out.
We popped to a local garden center this morning, not a chain but locally owned, and hubby got a Clematis for our arch. I cut back all the climbing rose, it was very woody at the bottom, I have also put sweet pea seeds on the other side, should look very interesting this summer.
It has been the perfect day, the temperature rose enough to not require a body warmer or jacket. Our patio doors have been open all afternoon, and are still open now. I have scones in the oven, later we have clotted cream and raspberry jam, as a treat with a glass of Prosecco, a lovely way to finish the day.
On a sad note my French Marigold seedlings got over heated in the greenhouse and curled up, so I have sown more seeds, I am looking on the internet for an automatic window opener, governed by the temperature inside the greenhouse.


  1. How lovely that your hubby buys you flowers for Mother's Day. The weather's been gorgeous this weekend, hasn't it. I hope it lasts throughout the week, can we be that lucky?

  2. That sounds like a lovely day! We need a window opener too, saw one in a catalogue the other day under £20 which seemed a good price.

  3. Sounds as if you've had a lovely day ...

    All the best Jan

  4. You have some loveliness around your blog post today. It's been glorious weather - long may it continue. I love doing the block colour on my tapestry. I find it strangely satisfying!

  5. What a lovely day you had, If we go out I open the door and window, it got quite hot in the there yesterday.

  6. What a lovely weekend. Your garden sounds wonderful and I really love your hedgehog planter :)

  7. Sounds like a perfect weekend. My cat gave me fat quarters for Mother's Day! Jx

  8. My hubby always buys me some flowers for Mothering Sunday too, yours are lovely, a great sign too.
