Friday 31 March 2017

March gone - here comes April

What a different a month can make to my stash spend.
 A couple of big purchases, potting bench and window opener for greenhouse and fabric for cross stitching, so now I've overspent by £5.67. Each thing was needed, and will be lovingly used. No requirements for any more big spends. 
Another month is done, and a quarter of 2017 has gone, how quick did that pass, and what have we done in the time.
At work we all spend our time wishing the day away and the week so we can have the two day weekend with our families. We are now entering into Summer time, which for a heating based company is our quiet time, so not enough work to go around, there are a couple of roles in different departments looking for staff, so I have put my name forward, maybe a new challenge would be good for me.
At home we find ways of slowing our time so we can enjoy the most of the time together. Avoiding the rush of going to town or any other shopping outlets. Our garden, my passion is the most loved place, either I am working in it, pottering most of the time, or if it's cold or wet, I sit inside and look at it.
Family, with baby Will adding to the number of grand sons, we love to see them all growing up, with visits from our Somerset boys, we love our home to ring with the sounds of them playing. Our children are a joy to both of us, watching the adults they have become and enjoying them as parents.
I am counting in another way, I am on the countdown to my retirement, I still have about 3 years to go, but as the time passes so quickly, we are making plans, once my salary stops we are down to pensions, and whilst we won't be poor, we do need to ensure our plans work and our comfortable lifestyle stays as it is.
Our life is not perfect, some things and people we have no control over, but we do work to make the best of what we can, and learn to live without the uncontrollable things.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Is this heaven

Our garden again is looking good
Every where is ready for spring and summer
Loads of new life around the plot
More of these beautiful flowers 
New growth on my Peonie, I love to see this plant each year. 
Hubby did some spending at the garden center. 
We did have the most perfect weekend, no time in town, and one small visit to the garden center, the rest of the time was in our garden, some of the time working and the rest of the time sat in the sunshine enjoying our little patch of heaven.
Hubby chose the new Clematis, which is a very different colour and shape than my choice, but it is a garden for both of us, the bird hanger is perfect for peanuts, the small birds have been visiting, and the pigeon are too big to feed there.
Each evening this week we have walked to our local park after work, I am now doing 8-9000 steps, which is pleasing, after tea, I pop to my greenhouse to ensure everything is watered and covered for the night temperatures, I open the window and door each morning. We have found a automatic window opener on internet, at a nice price, which is on it's way to us.
As the daylight fades, our tiny coloured lights set a beautiful glow along the fence in front of the greenhouse, with white lights on my Christmas tree, not too many, just enough to sparkle.
We popped into Sainsburys on Saturday just for a few things, our coffee was on special, at the till we were given a ticket for £18 off a £60 order for home delivery. We required a few things, got some more coffee and a few other items on special,  our order arrived as promised, we won't do another online, but the savings were too good to miss, so on a £65 order we saved an extra £15 off with  special prices and paid £47 a totals savings of £33. We are both feeling very pleased with ourselves.
Just cruising to the next weekend, we have Logan and Finn, with mummy and daddy visiting from Somerset, all to stay with us and meet baby Will. With no jobs inside or out, we are planning a fun filled weekend.

Sunday 26 March 2017

Mothering Sunday

Hubby saw these and thought of me
he always gets me flowers on Mothering Sunday
These are so pretty, and the sign for my shed.
Lovely cards again this year. 
A special little gift from Will along with his photo card
Plus an extra mirror for my car, 
so I can see the little ones sitting in the back seat. 
 I have managed loads of cross stitching, the leek is almost finished
I'm not sure about it being yellow, but that is how it is shown on the badge
I am even enjoying the blocks of colour
We have had a perfect weekend, the weather has been brilliant, warm sunny days, we have both been in the garden each afternoon. Hubby has been replacing the fascia on the garage, using plastic so it should last our time here. I have sorted my shed, loads of stuff in now in my potting table drawers, I have moved things around in the shed, giving me more space, and I even swept it out.
We popped to a local garden center this morning, not a chain but locally owned, and hubby got a Clematis for our arch. I cut back all the climbing rose, it was very woody at the bottom, I have also put sweet pea seeds on the other side, should look very interesting this summer.
It has been the perfect day, the temperature rose enough to not require a body warmer or jacket. Our patio doors have been open all afternoon, and are still open now. I have scones in the oven, later we have clotted cream and raspberry jam, as a treat with a glass of Prosecco, a lovely way to finish the day.
On a sad note my French Marigold seedlings got over heated in the greenhouse and curled up, so I have sown more seeds, I am looking on the internet for an automatic window opener, governed by the temperature inside the greenhouse.

Friday 24 March 2017

Sunny Friday

Our Magnolia tree with a lovely blue sky
the blossom is late this year, and the windy days are not helping
 More Snakeshead Fritallery, 
I have these in a few pots and under my Christmas tree. 
 Seeds coming to life in my green house
here French Marigolds, but I have others coming along
 Just two of my many pots, Tulips are next to flower
Latest photo of Will, he will be 5 weeks early tomorrow morning
No craft this time, I have done some stitching, but with the lovely light nights after work, most nights I pop into our garden and greenhouse. Plus we visit Will, Su and David often, Will has decided he can roll onto his side. For just 5 weeks old he is very aware of his surroundings and getting confident, I sure both my daughters were not as advanced at the same age, we are all loving the beautiful smiles we now receive.
I am loving the spring weather, today has been breezy, but our walk at lunch time was very pleasant, and most of my choices on what to wear are now much lighter clothes, soon the jumpers will be packed away.
I am happy each evening to walk around our little garden, loads of new growth, green leaves in clumps ready for the English Bluebells to form and flower, Tulips standing tall. My Peonie has loads of new growth, and the 2 plants I have from the big plant are both growing well. Fruit plants and bushes around the plot has loads of new leaves, promise of flowers and swelling fruits to come. Loads of seedling in the greenhouse, my hope is not to buy any plants this season. My Acer is showing loads of new growth in it's new pot, I have had to put a little fence around the pot, the cats found the fine gravel too good to leave alone.
So a happy start to the weekend, I have another book to read, promise of nice weather, and two days together.

Wednesday 22 March 2017


This red shopper is finished
 Useful large front pockets
 Plenty of room inside
sorry about the blurr
 I'm pleased it looks a well balanced bag, with plenty of space.
 More cross stitch, I'm trying to do the huge blocks of colour
I loved this book, it told the story of 5 generations of the same family
 I love the Orchid flower, so interesting
My work mate loved the bag, after work she took it for a test run, a bit of supermarket shopping and it passed. I am pleased with the design, it all worked well, I did like the large size of the bag, it balanced with the longer straps. I have found another different bag on Pintrest to try, this one will be navy and green, it will be for me.
I have done alot on my cross stitching, I really want to get the big blocks of colour done, it's a badge from The Welsh Guards, hubby is an ex guard, I have promised to make him a cushion for ages. Most of the stitching is easy, I just have to be neat as any mistakes will show.
I enjoyed The House by Princess Park, it was set in Liverpool from the early 1900's, parts of the book was predictable, I'm not sure I would buy a book by the author, but I would try reading another.
I don't have much to say tonight, after work, I sat with hubby watching the news from London, the attack on Westminster, another sad day here in UK and Europe, why can't we all live together in peace. I grew up thinking we could stop war's and terror, sadly not the case.

Sunday 19 March 2017

Pottering about

My potting bench is in the greenhouse, and already in use, it has everything I need, lower shelf, storage drawers, and the top small shelf. I am really pleased with it. Some of my seeds are showing, so it's a pleasing view in here. 
 Loads of new growth every where, 
I am really happy with the progress on my fruit bushes, 
below blackcurrant, strawberries and raspberries.
 I have always loved this view, I still have a couple of plants, which I will put in the bucket, and move them around until I can find a permanent place, hubby has already put holes close to the bottom of the bucket for drainage. 
 This photo sums up today, really dull, our Magnolia tree is a bit later this year,
 but we are waiting for these buds to bloom. 
 I planted this bowl for my table last September,
 I love Snakeshead Fritallery, such perfect little flowers. 
It's been a busy weekend, my sister and her partner are now driving home, we have had loads of fun. Leanna loved shopping in Chichester on Saturday, there are such a good mix of different shops, plus it's an interesting place to be. They got to meet Will and had loads of cuddles also on Saturday. This morning we all popped to Lidl's for shopping, we came out happy, so many items for £59.00, including another 4 bottles of wine.
I have been in the garden this morning, it was nice to have my sister working with me for a while.
My sister loved the pot I created for her birthday, which now I can show you.
We have loads of plants coming back in the garden, my outside tulips are in bud, soon every where will be full of colour. I am unhappy with the rose arch I put in last year, the roses are woody at the bottom and loads of new growth on the top, so I have decided to cut it back to the base and start again, allowing it to grow on only one side, I will get another climber for the other side, at the same time I am going to add a couple more small shrubs in front in the hope they will grow and hide the bottom of the rose, that's a job for next Saturday.
I have done more stitching, the red bag is almost done, and the cardi is done, I will show photo's next time, I have not had much time for crafting and reading over the weekend, but having family to visit is always fun.

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Coming together

The handles are on the bag, I have sewn the side and bottom panel in, so from the outside it looks good. I have to hand stitch the inner side and bottom panel, and tidy the top. These photo's look very pink, but the bag is red. 
 Plenty of room inside, I love you can see the handles on the inside, stitched to the front handles, making it a feature. The two pockets add the the pretty feel of the bag as well as being very useful.
 My sewing order came yesterday, these will last me for ages, I always get them on line and from the same company, I do have to pay a small postage amount, but I do not have anywhere local where I can get 28dpi, which is my preferred size. 
My potting bench came today, we were not expecting it until Thursday, delivered by DPD, who kept me up to date via email through the whole delivery day, great service. I don't think we will have time to build it before the weekend, I can't wait to get it into the greenhouse. I am also looking for staging, I have seen what I want, but I'm still looking to see if I can get it at a better price, it is so expensive, I don't want a cheap one and have to replace it again. 
Each evening this week, I pop to my green house to check my seeds, I had a pomegranate in October, I saved some of the fruit, I allowed them to dry out and have planted some in pots, one in greenhouse and the other on my desk, not sure if I can get them to grow, but fun trying. 
We have also started walking after work, the evenings are much lighter, and our local park is so pretty to walk through. 
I finished reading Dead Scared by Sharon Bolton, and have The house by Princes Park, Maureen Lee, loaned and recommended by a friend in work.
Nothing much doing just work and home, soon it will be Friday, we have visitors this weekend.  

Sunday 12 March 2017


 I have done more cross stitching, 
trying to keep on top of the huge blocks of colour
My workmate does not have a nice shopping bag, when she uses mine she loves them. So this bag is for her. I have not told her I am making it, I just asked her Red or Navy, as I had both colours in my stash. 
 I love a large front pocket but adding a second pocket, great for mobile phone.
Again the fabric was in my stash.
 Totally my design, I have made each handle in two long pieces
And pinned one to the outside and inside overlaping.
When I stitch them together the body of the bag is running through them
 Later I will sew these two sets of handles together.
I will make a couple of side gussets, machine sew the outside and hand stitch the inside, so no rough edges are seen. This is totally my own design, and I might have to make another for me.
 On a mission to stop spending so much on books
our local library provided these for me to read. 
I ached last night after my time in the garden, it was good to get so much done, last night we shared a Chinese from our local take away, and we enjoyed watching a few missed TV programmes from last week.
I love Sunday mornings, I caught up with blogs and did a few things on my computer, after breakfast I had a lazy shower. Late morning we popped to see Will, mum and dad, they were all happy, arriving just in time to feed Will.
This afternoon, I have sorted a few things, popped to the greenhouse to water and check all is doing well. Then I planned the bag I wanted to make, I do not have the exact red thread to use for sewing it together, so I will get some tomorrow. I am very organic with my designs, I do not have a paper pattern, this is simple enough to not need one. The red is a heavy cotton, so it will hold the weight of the items placed inside.
So a pleasing weekend, tomorrow I am back to work, my week's holiday went so very quick, but I did manage to have loads of fun, did a bit of shopping for things we needed, and a great catch up lunch with a friend.
I am waiting for my new potting bench to arrive and some cross stitch fabric for future projects.

Saturday 11 March 2017

Seed, soil, Grow

We have sorted the decking this morning, 
and worked in the garden
 I used grit for the bottom of bird cages, much cheaper
has the look I wanted
Behind in sink, loads of mints
 I have been sowing, tomatoes, cucumber, sweet peppers and a couple lots of flowers
 Lovely new tool for weeding
 Bottom of the fridge soup for lunch
 Later this will become a bag
We spent the morning in the garden, we have not had the sunny weather promised, it's been dull all day, but dry. I have cut things back and weeded the side flower bed. A couple of years ago I was give two plants with lovely pink flowers, the second year they were huge and I dug them out, each spring I dig out loads of these plants which regrow, when I asked Win if she wanted a plant, she declined, I wish I had, the new tool I used was brilliant, I could dig out roots whilst not disturbing any of my growing bulbs, I love it when a horrible task is made easier.
I am pleased with my Acer, it has the right look, the grit from our local pet shop is light enough whilst not being completely white, and the cats should not like the gritty bits, so they should keep off.
I am pleased with the seeds I have started, I have sorted my stash and thrown loads away, I don't have room to grow much else other than salad items, so why keep all the others.
Watched Gardeners World last night, I do like to see what Monty and the others are doing. I also listen to his jobs for the weekend, my Clematis and Rose bushes are now much neater.
Hubby made the bottom of the fridge soup, and it was lovely, with another two bowls for the freezer. I am going to cut the fabric out this afternoon, and my plan is to sew tomorrow, the weather we are expecting is rain all day.
Shaping up to be a good weekend, daughter informed us baby Will, who is 21 days old, slept from midnight to 7am this morning, mum and dad were shocked and pleased to be able to catch up with their sleep.
Later we are thinking we have earn't a Chinese takeaway for tea.

Wednesday 8 March 2017

Cute and craft

1st official photo
They are all lovely and it's hard to say one is better than any other
I have a link to studio, if anyone is along south coast. 
 Yea stitching, this project will have large blocks of colour
so I am balancing the blocks with the dainty other stitching. 
 Amaryllis time, all 4 flowers on 2nd bud 
 My Hyacinth has loads of leafy growth
but no signs of flowers, I just can't grow these.
Tulips have gone funny, think they needed a different vase with side support
 A couple more books, I'm not a fan of crime, but her style is to my liking
As predicted this week is going fast, I had day out with hubby on Monday, we popped to a couple of out of town places, looking for items, not all of which we could find. I spent my company Christmas gift card on some new clothes, most of it in M&S sale. I did get a couple of small things for the garden, which have been added to my stash spend. I also got a nice pot, which I have planted up for my sister's birthday, she knows I have made it.
Yesterday, I took my daughter and Will on a small shopping trip, she had things to get, we had lunch out together, it was a lovely warm day.
We also on line found a perfect potting bench for my greenhouse and that's on it's way here. We will have to build it, but it's more useful than the one I was designing, hubby is only so good at DIY.
I should be out in the garden today, but it's cold and raining, I will get an hour in the greenhouse later, I want to sort a few more things and get everything ready for planting seeds.
I'm not sure if I will cross stitch later or get my sewing machine out, I have an idea for a shopping bag, which I would make for a lady in work.
We have moved our camper van to on our drive, we will now spend time sorting, me interior, hubby exterior, to get it looking nicer. We are planning our first trip soon, just an over night to test everything. We can't wait until the warmer weather is here, the freedom of having the van and weekends are calling.