Friday 26 August 2016

Manor Farm

Logan on the first of many Tractors
We spent the day at Manor Farm, Hampshire
 Full of beautiful barns and buildings
It was the setting for Wartime farm, shown on the BBC 
 On a hot sunny day
 Lovely in all directions
 Loads of different barns
 These are just a few photo's
 Around the farm house
 I had a blue one of these in my first kitchen
 A perfect pantry
 We sat and had lunch outside
 We were watched all the time
these little chaps are not frightened
they swooped down every time something was dropped
 This Buff Orpington, so beautiful in the sunshine
There were all the usual farm animals around the farm yard, loads of piglets, tractor rides and plenty of space for Logan to run around. It was our first visit to the farm, and I would like to go back again, along the very long road to get to the farm there were loads of parking spaces for walks and other adventures.
Logan also got to see our local castle, and all the guns at Fort Nelson, both are free to enter and have loads of space to run about. 
Wednesday we took Logan to an ice cream parlour, which we all enjoyed. 
Tuesday I spent some time with Sam and Josh, another visit to the ice cream parlour and then loads of fun in the park, Wednesday was Josh's 11th birthday, how quick the time flies by, in September he will be starting the senior school, so very grown up these days.
So a good week, and now a Bank Holiday weekend, with Monday off, there is rain promised, so we will have to plan our outside time carefully, I have a couple of things to do in the garden.
Plus my sewing machine is out, I want to make a gift for my sister when she here in two weeks, I will make two items one for each of us. I will show them later in another post.
I have done no sewing, but read another good book, I'm off to find my hexagons, to stitch more together, I must get on with finishing my sewing machine cover. 


  1. What a busy week, it sounds like you've been having lots of fun. We had one of those kitchenettes in our kitchen when I was growing up, it was yellow too.

  2. Great post, I would love a walk round there, I watched the series and was given the book. Those kitchen cabinets were lovely, I had a pair in blue and white, one was just for baking stuff. I see them at auction every now and then and they fetch silly money.

  3. Love farms and barns. Makes me appreciate all our ancestor wet through to give us what we have today.

  4. What an interesting place. Plus you got to spend time with your grand children. Our Caleb was 11 last week. Time does fly. It seems like yesterday he was a baby.

  5. I love that pantry, wish mine looked like that xxx
