Sunday 22 May 2016


The back section has been cleared
both hubby and I worked in the garden all day.
This little greenhouse is broken and will be removed once we build the big one. The treated timbers will be fixed to the ground and the greenhouse will be on top, on the long fence side they lay on the soil. The ground is very hard and if you dig down there are loads of tree roots, so we made the decision to use treated wood as our base. The second greenhouse now lives with our neighbour over the road. 
We dug out the raised garden, hubby cut it down to just under six foot, it will fit inside the greenhouse along the back. I will have space for my table and chairs at this end, I do like to sit here with a cup of coffee when I am working.  The center of the greenhouse will have this concrete base, which is nicer.
 We will have a path to the corner behind our new arch, another small growing area. The greenhouse took up alot of this space so it's extra for me.  I have my corner shelves there for the moment until I can decide what to have there. 
 I got a cheap arch, put up each side and used these bendy pipes from the raised garden, does not look much this year but early next year I will get the rose growing up the sides. it does look a bit high, I can cut the white shorter if needed. 
 I am missing planting things
so I made this little pot for the office
but I have decided to keep it in our bathroom
My greenhouse arrives on Tuesday, so I am pleased we have cleared the area, we are back in Somerset this coming weekend, it's been planned for ages, so I will have to wait for a while before we get the greenhouse together. I have asked hubby to make me a potting table with a shelf below, he will use wood and ensure it is the perfect height for me. I will need so staging for the other side, but I am not going to make any purchases, I want to see how I use it before filling it.
I have promised I will move all the pots from our office window sill, and all the orchids around the house.
We finished outside and have just had the best shower ever, and now enjoying a well earn't cup of coffee.
We have made a wedding book from all the photo's, I placed the order today, I got a 40% off voucher which I used, I was able to get the nice weight paper and finish and still not have a book too expensive.
Last night I stitched hexagons, I managed to do half of the ones I cut out last weekend. Later tonight I am going to sit and cut out paper templates. I also have another book to start reading. I have done more on my Christmas tree, I will show you that next time.
 For Rachael
pages 1 and 2, plus 3 and 4 


  1. You've done a good job getting all that ready for the greenhouse, you must be so excited about it. It doesn't take long to get it all filled up though and then you'll be wondering how you ever managed without it.

  2. Wow, thanks for showing me. You are so good, your sewing looks JUST like the pattern! I'd never be able to follow that! I'd lose my place! The garden is looking lovely. X

  3. You have been very busy indeed! We had the same greenhouse as you have now, (it wasn't the sturdiest of buildings). I bet you can't wait for your new one to arrive so you can start growing things in it. P and I spent the whole day working in the garden yesterday and i was ready for a sit-down in the evening. Happy gardening!
    Cathy x

  4. Its going to be great having your new green house, I love the arch its will look fab covered in roses :-)

  5. Excitedly waiting to see pix of the whole garden when you get the new greenhouse up and running :)

  6. That is a lot of work! It will be very worthwhile when finished. Nice to have somewhere to sit and admire your work.

  7. Hope your new greenhouse has arrived safely, my DH sends most of his evenings in his this time of year lol
