Tuesday 10 May 2016


My fruit are all doing well
 I have separated my Lemon and Lime plants
The Lime is back in the office, just needs a boost.
My peony is back in flower
only two blooms this year so far. 
 I have joined a book swap in work
Monica McInerney is a new author to me
We have decided to order the green house, we can use a family members discount from the shop, so we are getting a nice saving. I have found a home for one small greenhouse, my neighbour across the road will take it, so it will be easy to get it to her back yard, the second greenhouse will be scrapped, it's got a few issues. All my tomato plants have withered, it's my own fault I planted the seed too early and they went very leggy, I will leave it for a couple of weeks and buy some more. My peppers are doing well, and I have given the spare plants away. 
I have done some sewing on my Christmas tree, but also a fair amount of unpicking. June's design is out for Joyful World, so I have plenty to do. I have also stitched more hexagons another two fabrics done. 
On a real sad note Win next door is now very frail, we do as much as we can to help, our neighbour Chris does loads for her, but we can all see the decline, and at 101 years old she still has a sharp mind. She went back into hospital today, I will visit on Thursday, her doctor has told us to prepare for the worst. I am garden sitting, ensuring her plants in her green house are growing OK. 


  1. Awe, poor Win. She has had such a good long life but that doesn't mean you are ready to let her go.

    With her mind as sharp as it is, it must be tearing her up inside.

    My thoughts are with you.

  2. I m sorry to hear about your neighbor. No matter how old, it is hard to lose a friend.

  3. I am sure you will have better luck with the tomatoes next time!

  4. Bless her sweet heart.....it is always sad to see someone with a bright mind to show signs of age bodily. My Mother is much the same....trying to stay independent but relying on me more and more. Still that is what I am here for.

    Always exciting to buy a new greenhouse.....I expect you have plans for this already. Your tomatoes will no doubt be in there :)

  5. Great news about the greenhouse, I bet you can't wait to get it installed and put in to use. Just a little tip, I still have a plastic greenhouse which I use inside the proper one early in the season. That way, I can put seedlings out a little earlier than I usually would as they have a bit more protection. I'm so sorry to hear about Win, she sounds like a good friend as well as a neighbour to you.

  6. I'm saddened to read of your neighbours decline in health, what an age to be and still be sharp of mind.
    Wishing you great planting times in the new greenhouse when it arrives.

  7. Your peony is going to be beautiful! Enjoy using your greenhouse, exciting gardening times ahead. I hope that all will be as alright as it can be for your neighbour, that is a great age.

  8. So sorry to hear about your neighbour but its good to hear you are looking out for her. Enjoy your new greenhouse and all your craft projects.

  9. Tomatoes are a bit up and down here too. They make a spurt then the weather cools.... Cant get the peppers going - so well done on your bounty.
