Sunday 20 March 2016


To plant a seed
is to believe in your future

Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers
 My fuchsias, geraniums, plus 4 gaillardias
I have pinched the tops out of the fuchsias.
 I have finished two more fat quarters.
 At this point I am rather proud of my self,
when cutting these out, I would normally center each bird
this time I decided to place the paper hexagons
 to get the most from the material and cut away
just a bit less ODC than normal.
April's Joyful World has been released, I was going to stitch last night, but I have run out of one of the main colours, so a trip out some time. Plus Sheffield is also calling. 
I have been reading After You, and it's not as great as Me before You, the style is the same, but as I know know the main character, whilst she has not changed the element of surprise is gone.  
It's a dull day here, so not sure what we will do later, but it's dry. I am itching to get out into the garden, but it's just too early, late March and early April can be so cruel to gardeners. I plan time outside next weekend, whilst we have our Easter break. 


  1. It's a lovely day here today, I've got the beds stripped, washed the bedding and hung it on the line, I'm sure it'll dry. I'm only growing tomatoes and cucumbers this year but I haven't sown the seed yet, I'll give it another week or two. Well done on the hexies, you're going great guns with them.

  2. You are way ahead of me, I planted a while back, I am starting to worry now as they have not made an appearance.

  3. I can't bear to go out into the garden until the weather warms up. I'm waiting until after Easter now, to make a start.

  4. I LOVE your off center birds. When finished, they will look like they are flying all over your piece.

    Our 1st day of Spring looks to be beautiful. The sun is out in all of it's glory. I haven't been outside yet, except to let Indy out and in, but I think, when we do our grocery store run, it will be a bit chilly.

  5. Your peppers and tomatoes look to be at the same stage as mine, it always make me feel good to start the growing season and I still get excited when seeds germinate :-)

  6. I want to start growing more and more ☺ sounds like you've been having a good time.

  7. You did a great job cutting out those birds! My garden is really needing lots of attention but you are so right, it's just a bit too early here too.
