Thursday 7 January 2016


 I finally worked out how to post this list,
 I find it interesting  to look back on my spend in 2015, 
Cardmaking was £253.18,
will be a lot less in 2016, my stash is looking good
Sewing was £40.00,
could be more if I get going, but I do have some stash
Gardening was £395.15,
no surprise how much I spend, should also be less this year as loads should regrow.
Cross stitch was £260.17,
who knows, it's my greatest love, so if I see any thing, it will be mine
expecting my spend to be about the same,
my stash of fabrics and threads is huge. 
I should add a section for wool if I want to knit and crochet.
I hope to loose £200 off my spend next year.
The red and blue figures were one off purchases
The third corner is finished, I got it done last night
I hope to have a finish soon, so I should be looking at what's next. 
 This is ticking all my boxes,
 I love the colours, the design, 
it's my one off original stitching 
 Popped to Tesco this lunch time, I had to get a few birthday cards
these marked at £4.00 rang in the till at £1.50
love the colours. 
My 52 in 2016 list so far.
I have loads of spaces to add things
number one has a line through, it's already completed.
So a good start to January, my hope is no spend on stash this month, the only let down will be if I see a real bargain, but even then I will have a think before parting with my money. 
I have already started working on my 52 in 2016, a few of them have been started, and hopefully will be ongoing all year. Much more fun than resolutions, which always are hard work in January.
I have started reading The Saffron Trail by Rosanna Ley, 1st book of the year.
Our first week in January is soon over, we had Josh and Sam for tea Tuesday, a cuddly time together. Last night we popped to see Su and David, I now have my instructions for the Wedding evening invitations, they will we out within a week, not so many parts. They are at the point where they are paying for every thing, so money is flying out, but they are also excited, as are we. 
Tomorrow we are away for our Christmas present to each other, back on Sunday, with Monday off, so a restful time ahead.  


  1. love your lists, I have now just got post it notes on my computer desk top, so every time I go to the computer they are there :-)

  2. I love no. 34 - Spend a day laughing. I wonder how you will achieve that one!

  3. Your very brave to list all of your costs. I'd be too scared (in case Mike spotted them!!) Good luck with your 2016 list & enjoy your break x

  4. What an interesting list. You'll be very busy this year as some of them are ongoing throughout the year. Looking forward to seeing how you get on. Your stitching is really lovely, it's going to make a fabulous cushion.

  5. Good luck with all of your challenges in 2016! I hope that it goes well for you and that you have fun! xx

  6. I love lists. I don't think I am brave enough to write down what I spend on crafting, etc - maybe I should and it might help curb my spending habits LOL.

  7. Good luck with all your plans for this year.

  8. Hey lovely lady, thank you for all your sweet comm ta on my blog. You make me smile - on your list!! I dare not write down spends on wool! Denial is key!!!

  9. I look at my crochet as an addiction. Yes, it can be expensive but it isn't damaging my body like drugs, tobacco and alcohol.

    Kind of like your stitching :)

  10. You have done good with your list. And the stitching looks lovely!

  11. great idea to make a list like that, I may try it for myself. I have a starter list in my mind, the first one is to follow a crochet tutorial in Russian. I had to turn the sound off as it confused me totally. I still have not started my cross stitch, I need to get the sewing room back to rights first. I get distracted so easily.

  12. That's a good idea, to keep a track of what you spend on different crafts. I keep a general list of them all together, and I know what I make in the tax year, but I don't break it down much.
    I see a lot of interesting things on your 52 list, some of which I'd like to do. But I'm not going to commit to anything!
    Teresa x

  13. I love your list of things to do this year...good luck with them!

  14. I loved reading the detail of your list. When you learn how to read a crochet pattern, please will you explain it in a post here? I can't get my head round them! Jx

  15. I do love lists but I'm not organised enough to keep track of all of my spending like that. The best lists in our house are of things to be done and James and I love crossing them off, so satisfying. The idea of things to do for the year is a great one, sounds like you have fun planned!
