Thursday 14 January 2016

Here it comes

Our Amaryllis is opening
it's grown really high
I used the flash on this photo
Looks good
 More diamonds 
 This will be finished soon.
I think I might have found another stitch along.
 Who loves a bargain
I have been looking for a thick Aran cardi for ages, almost everyone I see the sleeves are knitted in stocking stitch which makes them feel thinner.
So I kept looking,
This black cardi is 100% what I wanted with patterned sleeves and the bonus,
 cotton mix, machine washable, from M & S and down to £7.00,
1st January sale item purchased and no plans to get anything else. 
I'm still smiling.
Had lunch with a friend yesterday, I worked with Ann for just over a year before my role was made redundant, I still miss working with her, we went to Gunwharf Quays in Portsmouth, I have not been there for years, but I do love some of the stores are outlets. Looking at what was on sale, most of it I was just so happy to walk past, a few years ago I would have had a spending frenzy.
Almost at end of week 2 and nothing spent on my crafts!
Did a quick walk around the garden tonight, the daffodils are about to burst and we have primroses, our Magnolia tree has buds which are trying to open,  but it is turning much colder, so the tree won't last.
We also went for a walk after work, I am trying hard to keep it up, not missed a night this week,  I have a copy of my 52 things list on my desk top just to keep going with it, I am working on a few, on the plus my nails are looking much better.
I'm not on a diet, we eat so very healthy and when starting a diet I find loads of things you should give up we already do not eat, so it's about portion size and exercise, it would be nice if by beginning of March I could be a little less round across my tummy, at that time I will be looking for an outfit for daughters wedding in April. I feel in the right frame of mind to sort my weight out this year.
Tonight I am visiting my lovely neighbour Win, she has had another fall and is in hospital, at 101 she is starting to lose some of her confidence, which is a shame she knocks spots off loads of younger peopel.


  1. Sitting here laughing at myself. I Googled "what is 700 pounds in US dollars?" and found out you paid $1000 (+/-) US dollars. I thought . . MAN, you really wanted that sweater.

    Then I went back and re-read, because I knew THAT had to be wrong. Found out it was about $10.. MAN, you DID get a GREAT deal!

    You shop like me . . I HATE spending money on clothes and will wait and wait until I find something in my price range . . which is probably real close to yous :)

  2. Do you know what I have never had an Amaryllis, I must yet one next year.
    Bargain Cardi x

  3. Good deal in your cardigan! I hope that your neighbour will be OK after her fall. xx

  4. I've got a lovely orangey/red amaryllis that my son gave me for Christmas. It was in flower when I had it and is now in full bloom with the second.

  5. I'm sorry to hear that Win is back in hospital, she does so well for her age but these falls must be knocking her confidence now, it's such a shame. Eleanor bought me an amaryllis for Christmas which I've just set off so I'm looking forward to that flowering.

  6. Sad news about your neighbour, I hope you find her is good spirits on your visit.
    Amarylis is beautiful
    Great bargain on the cardi!

  7. That's a fabulous bargain for your cardigan well done you. I'm sorry to hear about Win you're such a good neighbour xx

  8. Wow what a bargain for your cardigan:). Your amaryllis looks beautiful and Spring really is round the corner. You can't beat lunch with friends. Hope Win is okay - what an amazing age. Have a lovely weekend
