Friday 1 January 2016

Leaping into a leap year

We have had the perfect first day of a new year, this morning I visited my God son Richard,  I have not seen in over 20 years, can't and won't go into reasons on here, but I spent a couple of hours reuniting with him, his partner and their twin toddler daughters.

Later we spent time with Logan, he was 5 today, normally when we visit Somerset at this time of year, we have a flying visit and the drive home, but we spent the whole afternoon and early evening together, ending with fun bath time before bed.

We are back at my brothers house, tomorrow is his birthday and we are heading out for a meal together with another brother and sister if she is feeling better. Last night we did go out but was back at Martins by 11, two pubs were full and loud and busy, the last pub was very quiet, so we went home for the last hour together.

I have loved all your new year post, loads of great plans, which I look forward to reading how you each progress. Reading a post from Trish, where she is thinking of 50 things to do this year, I like the sound of her plan and I'm adjusting for me to be 52 things to do this year, I will make my list, but I would tick meeting with Richard as the first.


  1. I'm glad you've had a lovely day. I don't think I could dream up 50 things to do!

  2. Sounds like you had a wonderful time
    Julie xxxxxx

  3. Glad you're having a good time in Somerset. Enjoy the meal today for your bother's birthday.

  4. Happy New Year to you. I hope it continues as it started for you. I hadn't realised it was a leap year!
    Teresa x

  5. Who is Richard and why is he first?

    Happy 2nd day of 2016 . . . we are getting our first REAL snow today. So, perhaps, 2016 will be clean and fresh for us :)

  6. Sounds like a wonderful visit. Everyone has such goals for the New Year. I'm just going to wait and see what I feel like as it goes. I hope this will be a great year for you and your family!
