Sunday 17 January 2016


Shopping went well
these were £2.00 each, with their Christmas snowflake on,
reduced in Wilkinson's by 75% so 50p each
but could not get the dinner plates, temporary sold out
 Also 75% off crackers so Christmas is red this year
These glass baubles came from Clintons, 70% off, I got 3 of both colours for £6.20,
the smaller ones are green, the colour is not true in my photo
Our day shopping went well, we only went to one shop in town and then met daughter and SIL to be at Moss Bros to sort the wedding suits, not to hubby's taste, but it's only one day, our only gripe was the cost of hire was almost the cost of having a new suit, but the younger men don't wear suits so they did not want to buy anything. The suits are lounge suits rather than traditional wedding styles.  We did pop to a few more shops and stopped for a coffee and lunch together, which was fun, and some thing we have not done in ages.
We will look online for the best prices on Microwave,
then hubby can pop and purchase one.
 My window sill garden
The Coleus cutting  from the garden grew well,
so I have cut it back to make a bushier plant and I am rooting two more stems,
 so 3 free plants for the summer garden.
The acorns behind have cracked, now I am hoping they will grow.
 These African Violet plants grown from leaves are looking good.
soon it will be time to add loads more seed trays here,
with the sunniest window and a huge radiator, it's a good spot. 
Last night we stayed in warm and snug, nothing on TV, even hubby dislikes the new Voice, a program he loved before the changes, so  we watched a film, well hubby did , I had my sewing out, I will work on the new stitching this week and then go back to my cushion cover at the weekend, photo next time.
This morning is cold and wet, the snow stayed to the east of the south coast, both cats are inside.
I have housework to do this morning, Josh and Sam are here this afternoon. Hubby has a lamb hotpot in the slow cooker and the house smells divine. Just a normal Sunday morning here.


  1. Love the mugs and great to see your cuttings growing.

  2. You did well with your sale bargains. I love the new SAL you're starting that you showed in your last post, I'm very tempted but I've got so many other things on the go at the moment and I'm a very slow stitcher being a beginner. I might print it out each month and start it at a later date.

  3. I love your bargains. Great stuff.

  4. You had a good day at the sales ... like your new mugs.

    I've always thought that the colours on coleus are so nice.

    ... and yes, I can almost smell your lamb hotpot in the slow cooker, wonderful meal - enjoy it later!

    Happy Sunday Wishes

    All the best Jan

  5. Those mugs are brilliant - what a bargain, I have a dear friend who on purchasing something at a much reduced rate will refer to them as being ... 'bargainous' , these mugs are indeed exceptionally bargainous!

  6. Our mugs are nearly all odd ones at the moment, perhaps I will add matching mugs to our next christmas list, your cuttings are doing well, I have just been to check on the geranium cuttings they are going great guns as well :-)

  7. Your shopping went well didn't it! We have crackers left from this Christmas that we will keep for next so ours will be gold! xx

  8. Good Bargains, love the mugs, how long do the African Violets take to grow from cuttings?x

  9. Ooo pretty mugs 😀 I love pretty mugs. Your plants are looking wonderful.

  10. I'm adding myself to the long list of mug lovers!!
    I've not even been in town yet for sale shopping. I think all the bargainous- great word- items will have gone by now!

  11. You did get some fab bargains, those mugs are very pretty x

  12. Great bargains you came across.

  13. I love the white mugs and to get a good deal is even better. Sounds like the shopping was fun, especially the lunch and coffee part.
