Saturday 23 May 2015

Planting time

2nd shoot on my orange pip
I love these shiny dark green leaves
 I pulled out plants from my green house
ready for planting in the garden
Yes one does have a Wilko's label on
 French Marigolds around the tomato plants
Hubby's favourite flower
we have three different tomato's in this huge tub
 This Melon Eldorado was just £4.00
it's a grafted plant and has loads of flowers on
and lower down one melon forming
it's in the warm greenhouse
 Table and chairs need a top coat, looking good
 My Acer is lovely, it looks good in this corner
The Hosta is thriving in the chimera 
the dish on the top is a bird bath
you can just see a sweet pea coming out of the chimney
 My first yellow rose of the season
I have two clumps of yellow Aquilegias
The yellow tub, is a BBQ purchased from our local Co-op
just £9.00, but with hubby's double discount 20% off
Behind my Chocolate Cosmos back again
  And some stitching
I have a couple of weeks to get this section done 
before my new design is here
After a quick pop to town, I have spent the day in the garden, loads of bedding plants are in, spring pots have been sorted, and the back area is now tidy, it helped the day has been warm and sunny.  I have added nets to the two fruit areas, I would like to make cages, but I have no where to store them when not in use. It has gone dull now, light rain would be helpful, if not I will be out with the watering can.  I have placed my Lemon and Lime plants outside, I have a warm spot by the garage, where they will get warm sun the whole day ( well if it shines).
We had lunch outside, we scattered dried worms on the lawn and watched the starlings and their young squabble and feed, I love being so close to the birds. Since I have come in our squirrels have visited for their feast on the nuts.
Tonight we are home, hubby is cooking salmon for our meal, and a glass of wine. We are having a fruit salad as well, most of the soft fruits at our local Co-op was a £1 each plus discount, a nice treat.
Tomorrow I am working 8am to 2pm, long enough to get loads of work done, but home early enough to get the afternoon together. I do not plan to work next weekend.
I have planted my pepper seeds, and I am ready to send them on to the next person who will be Linda, please email me your address and I will get them into the post.
PS, Grace did get to the vets, she's OK and everyone loved her, helps she is so pretty.


  1. I've sown french marigolds this year and they have germinated well. They are similar in size to yours at the moment, but don't look quite as good, I think some sort of insect might have been nibbling at them.

  2. We too have been playing out in the garden all day. It does the soul good. Your fruit salad sounds lovely x

  3. I like your yellow rose, they're my favourite coloured roses. Your acer is beautiful, that's something else which is on my wish list.

  4. Dh has been playing in the garden today. He's planted out the sweetcorn and his marigolds have been potted up in larger pots under his tomatoes in the greenhouse. A busy time of the year for gardeners, the extra bank holiday will help.

  5. Its nice to see summer plants coming into bloom, I hope your lemon and Lime do well :-)

  6. Likewise as far as time in the garden goes, I have potted on, sown seeds, cleared a bit more garden and planted it up. Delivered plants and brought back different ones, it is good being part of a swapping group, and managed to get lots of washing done, dried and put away. Alas the ironing pile is there looking at me. Your plants all look good, I hope to get some photos posted soon.

  7. All your plants look so pretty. I just saw my first yellow rose today too!
