Tuesday 24 March 2015

Lunch and a finish

Lunch yesterday was cheese on toast
after all the rich meals from the weekend
a nice simple lunch
 I got on with my sewing, I wanted these to be finished.
after I stitched the 8 triangles together, on the wrong side,
I marked the 14" circle as a guide to stitching on the side panel.
I used two length of a leg stitched together.
 I am rather pleased with these
each is stuffed will the contents from an old pillow
the case has been saved for lining material
nothing is wasted.
The jean's top is saved, one I will make into a bag,
I have already stitched two handles.
The others I want to use the back pockets, for a storage hanger. 
 All I require is my table and chairs painted and a sunny day
glass of something cold.
These should last forever.
 Last night I picked up Carrie Rose,
 Only did a few stitches,
but it feels good to be working on this again.
Our first loaf of bread was a success, I had convinced myself the 1st loaf would fail, I have had a slice as toast for breakfast.
Now I want to start adding ingredients, I have sun dried tomatoes and olives in the fridge.
We had a typical day here in the South East yesterday, we were fore caste light rain, but we had sunshine, enough to dry the laundry. We had some rain in the night, but it's sunny now, but my pots are still dry, I will water them soon, I rather not water in the evening at this time of year.
If it warms up I will spend time in the garden this afternoon, I have seedlings in the green house which need sorting, and I would like to sow seeds in the raised garden. Before that, loads of ironing.
Wean, when cutting down jeans to shorts for anyone, I always cut them too long, let the person try them on inside out and pin to length required, I find I can get the fit better this way, but most of my jeans cut to shorts finish at the knee.


  1. The denim cushions look fab. It would be great to see them on the chairs if you get a chance to post at some point. I love cheese on toast with Worcester sauce. Yum!

  2. The cushions are fabulous, you'll be sat in comfort for sure this summer.

  3. Sometimes simple meals are the best.
    re the jeans, I didn't mean the length, I meant the 'angle' if you like, from the picture you obviously didn't cut straight across the leg, the side is cut higher than at the crotch - I was just wondering how higher that was ? 1" - 2" - ?
    sorry if I'm confusing you, I certainly am now !

  4. Those pillows are GORGEOUS!

    Fantastic job!

  5. I love the cushions, they look fab. I might have a try at those another day!

  6. Lovely cushions, and as for that needlework, absolutely beautiful. What a talented person you are :)

  7. Great pillows and stitching Marlene.


  8. Carrie Rose is looking quite lovely!
