Monday 9 March 2015

Growing area

After two busy days
the raised bed is finished and waiting for more top soil. 
 I have completely cleared the back section of all the tubs, and moved our table and chairs, giving us a nice wide walk area to the greenhouses. I have two long tubs for flowers, one has sweet pea seeds in, I have never grown them successfully, my hope is for them to grow in the trellis. I will fill the second tub with a mixture of flower seeds and see what grows.
 We have put plastic plumbing tube upright in the corners and middle, and used flexible pipe for a frame, this works well, I do have some taller poles, should I require more height.  It's feel so very rewarding to have finished this section, if I can get top soil this week, I should be able to sow veg seeds by the weekend. The green plastic lining should protect the wooden sides, the bottom is open to allow drainage. I now have to stain the outside. I have covered the bed to stop the cats, the netting will also stop the insects and birds.
The total size is 85" long, 33" deep and 15" high.
 I have finished the 'V' and started stitching the 'E' from the top, and as I thought, the lower section of the 'E' is in the wrong place, I will unpick it later, ready to restitch. My second part of Carrie Rose is released tomorrow and I would like to have this finished, will have to try and get it done tonight.
In between gardening, we had all our visitors pop in to see us, it is nice to catch up with everyone. Now it's back to a normal working week, I am still waiting for my enhanced clearance to come through, so another week off, I hope to get alot done again. I have to pop to the Post Office, hubby has sold his camera, again at the asking price, we are keeping the cash for our weekend away on 19th.
This morning is dull and cold, I have no plans, just a restful day, and if I'm lucky I can finish my stitching.


  1. I thought it was just me who cannot grow sweetpeas or sunflowers. We have a bad slug problem. I planted some bulbs the other day in my tubs, I hope they grow, sometimes I can't grow them either!
    I hope you don't have to wait much longer for your new job.
    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. It's been a good weekend for getting some jobs done outdoors. What a shame having to unpick your stitching, but it will be worth it in the end, it's looking fabulous. Great news about your husband's camera selling.

  3. Gardeners have been out in force close to me, I've heard a few lawnmowers this weekend.
    The raised bed looks really good, well done.

  4. Happy restful day, the garden is looking great.
