Thursday 22 January 2015

Just stitching, and more

I have added another colour
The blue flowers add balance
 These central designs are easy to stitch,
but this design has many sections
It's another sunny cold day after another hard frost. Hubby is playing golf, he's happy he won his pairs game on Tuesday. I have a few task around the house, then later a trip to a garden center.


 Hubby has spent some of our Christmas money, our old bird house was very wobbly. The pigeons are huge this winter and they landed on the roof of the old house walking around and generally causing all sorts of problems trying to get to the food. We are hoping this will stop them, we do put peanuts on our garage roof for them.
 Hubby has a big grin on his face now, these were taken this afternoon, I love to see our tree so full of feeders, but can you see all the buds, far to early.
We have seen Josh and Sam again tonight, last night I picked them up from school, they are both happy and full of laughter. Josh played to us his Ukulele, he's getting good and enjoying it, he wants to play guitar when he is older.
As I sit here and type, I can smell tea, hubby is cooking Lamb Biryani, a real favorite of mine, I love almost all rice dishes, the only thing I do not eat is chilies, I do grow them for hubby.
I'm off for my best meal.


  1. Love all your bird feeders.

    The blue flowers do balance the pattern

  2. I hope you get lots of birds with the bird house!

  3. The stitching is very pretty and I love the feeding station for the critters.

  4. Very stylish bird table, I see the birds are very looked after at your house.

  5. Lovely bird table, hope you enjoyed your biryani. I have some planned for next week.

  6. You've got your new bird house just in time for the Birdwatch this weekend. I hope it attracts lots of birds for you as my regulars tend to stay away when I'm trying to count them, I think they must know they're being watched.

  7. Will you be doing the RSPB bird watch this weekend Marlene? You should be able to record lots with your wonderful selection of feeders.
    Beautiful stitching.

  8. Gorgeous stitching :-D your bird feeders look lovely.
