Sunday 12 October 2014

Growing Christmas

I have completed the six baubles, and I love the look, now I have to repeat these three more times, I would like to make 24 cards. I have shown a couple of friends and they also love them, the texture is just perfect.
 Stash enhancement, 
Fliss and I walked to the village yesterday and our local fabric/ woolshop had new Christmas fabric, I purchased the tree design to use with my Advent im Winterwald (Advent in Winterwald).
 The Santa design I'm not sure what I will use it for, it just called to me.  
 My Amaryllis is doing well in the house, this spot in the sitting room is it's permanent home, so I am hopeful it will continue to thrive. I wanted Sam to take an Hyacinth home for him to grow, so whilst we were in the village, I found this (and two more) glass pots in a local charity shop, and at 50p each a bargain. Sam will be able to see the roots as the bulb grows, this is mine, Sam can set up another to leave here and take one home. Josh is not into gardening at all, unless it's to eat home grown strawberries and raspberries.
It's been a strange few days, busy with chatty friends, days in because of the rain, but little sewing done. The garden is now a bit of a challenge, with all the rain, I do pop out and ensure my pots are not too waterlogged and to pick some tomatoes from the green house, my plant is still on full steam ahead.
Yesterday we popped into town, just a few things to get, I wanted to purchase a couple of cotton white blouses for work, must be cotton, I dislike nylon ones, after a long search, including M&S, (at £35 per blouse I passed on them), I did mange to get one in Peacocks for £9. Whilst in M&S I looked at their sale rail, normally nothing in my size worth getting, but yesterday I purchase a skirt, 2 tops and a cardi, for £51, which was well below half price and very useful in my work wardrobe. It is always a bit scary starting a new job, ensuring you do not stand out for the wrong reasons.
We are keeping a low profile in our street, we paid the council to make our drive entrance larger with a drop pavement, they started the work on Thursday and should have finished on Friday, they have not been back, so the pavement outside of our property is shut off and will be for a couple more days.
Not many plans for today, we will see Josh and Sam for a quick visit, they are going out with Fliss this afternoon, weather permitting. We are at home, a stitchy friend will pop in for the afternoon, and then more stitching in the evening.
X Factor is back on TV, I am no longer a fan of this programme but hubby loves it, so it's prime stitching time for me.
Tomorrow I start back to work. 


  1. Your stitching is getting ,well, quite bauble-isious!

  2. I just got some Amaryllis bulbs and some Hyacinth bulbs I love there scent and always grow the blue ones.
