Wednesday 3 September 2014

Kev 65

I have stitched on Winter Watergarden
These swirls are in the correct place, I will stitch the bottom set and then stitch the next outer section, to get me back into this project, I plan to come back to these four sections later and work them from the top. 
 We have had some sunny days again, I have been removing loads of plastic covered metal stays from the garden, most of the flowers they were holding up have now finished. The week of cold weather has tricked parts of the garden into going over, which for here is a couple weeks early.
 I was sorting my shed, it has alot of items to be stored in here over the winter, 
Purdey was as always close by, lying in the shadow of our bird table. 
This back garden is still productive with salad items for the weekend.
 Memories of the week we had all three boys, I put together these photo's as a small extra birthday present for hubby, the frame was in the attic for ages, I purchased it for another project which did not work out. This extra little gift, did not cost anything this week, the photo's were printed at home.
 My 1st attempt at Pavlova, not the best looking but tasty, The raspberries were from the garden, we tried to pick blackberries but our local ones were all still very hard, so I had to purchase the strawberries and blackberries. I also made a lemon cake to share with Josh and Sam. So other than the two soft fruits every thing came from the store cupboard.
 I am getting into Lowspend/Nospend September, I was worried with hubby's birthday, it would be harder, it was nice to make his cakes, I normally have one made, I have already been asked to make another Pavlova for Saturday's BBQ. We are not self sufficient in any way here, and do have to shop for food, but now we only get what is required, no little extras.
Yesterday afternoon Josh and Sam came to spend time with Grancha, eat his cake and play, we went back to the park, another happy afternoon.
Later Fliss, Su and David came for tea, Lamb Biryani followed by Pavlova all wheat free so Fliss could tuck in. With a  nice glass of pink champaign to wish happy birthday, which was given to us and tucked away for a special moment, hubby's 65th birthday.
One of Kev's birthday cards.
We are hoping to go out on the bike this afternoon, no plans on where to go, I only go on fine sunny days, so we have to make the most of what summer weather we have left.
Tomorrow I plan to spend in the garden, ensuring the place is ready for Saturday, Friday I will be baking for Saturday and getting the house ready.


  1. Looks like you had fun Marlene.


  2. Fun birthday card, made me giggle.

  3. Your garden looks lovely. Love the card :) your pavlova looks yummy - have a great time. The winter garden project is stunning.
