Sunday 21 September 2014

Green, Red and Opps!

Sam visited yesterday, and wearing his new gardening gloves he helped me re-pot my Lemon plant, as you can see he was really happy in the garden. We use my white table as his work bench, with the bag of compost on a chair, everything is a perfect height for him. His favourite chore is to sweep the back area. 
He then packed both mine and his gloves in the shed.
 My Amaryllis has a nice shoot, I keep this in my shed in the dark.
Lemon Plant has doubled in size
Lime plant, not much height but the stem and leaves have got huge
Avocado plant is my prize, loads of new height and the leaves are huge.
 This is hubby's best chore, 
filling all the feeders, 
we have loads of birds and squirrels, and our hedgehogs eat all that falls to the ground.
 Santa is doing well, I have just the bottom white  and his shoes to stitch, I have also stitched a quickie, but I can't show it here, 
I hope to get my sewing machine out today to do a few more items. 
 Just a few views from our walk on Friday night, loads of signs Autumn is arriving.
Lowspend/nospend September, Oh dear I have fallen off the waggon, and for shoes! to be fair, I have seen these sandals in our local shoe shop all summer, loved them, but thought they are over priced. Yesterday I had to replace my slippers ( I went into the garden and stood in cat poo!) and inside the shop these sandals last pair in my size, called to me. 
Can I be forgiven.
We shopped for food yesterday and spent £34 which is much lower than normal, so I do feel I am on track normally we would spend triple that. I did get my teapot on Friday which cost £16, but it has an inner so we can use loose tea, which both Fliss and I love in different flavours.
Both Josh and Sam spend the day with us, Fliss and I took them to our local library, both boys love books. Josh had loads of fun on his DS, he was playing a new game, and Sam firstly helped Grancha change a tyre on his cycle and then did gardening with me. It was warm enough to sit outside all the day, in fact it was too muggy to sit inside, last night was very hot. This morning we have clear blue Sky's.
Crazy cat woman has not shown herself again, but it has been recorded to use should we need too, PC Bob was keen to add it to his long list (she has a pop at everyone). So harmony is restored.
Now for the rest of my lazy Sunny Sunday.


  1. The sandals are neat . . but, I, like you, would never pay the actual price. It irritates me that sandals have so little material in them yet cost so much.

    Santa is looking good, as are you two men :)

  2. Sam is such a cutie. I love that he likes helping you in the garden :)
