Sunday 28 September 2014

Autumn tidy in the garden

This tomato plant has gone mad again, full of tiny ripe and green tomatoes and loads of flowers, it grows inside my greenhouse, so I hope to pick for ages to come.
 The outside plants have been removed, I had Sammy helping yesterday (wearing his garden gloves, sorry no cute photo's this time), he picked all the fruit off the plants into a large colander, he then put all the green ones into this brown paper bag and stored it in my shed, he has promised to look each time he visits to pick out any red ones. I have a few weeks supply here, but I did not have enough to make any chutney this year.
 Couple of things ready for planting, the blackberry was £2 and the Garlic was £1, all will be planted later today, I have found a spot next to the garage, near my shed for the blackberry to grow and spread. The garlic will go in the front of my Herb bed.
 Sam came to the village with me yesterday and choose these plants for my pots at the side of the house, his reasons for the choice was 'I like red and blue' £4.15 was spent.
 The Amaryllis has got longer, the stem and leaves are a bit pale, but the growth is good, I don't have any windows in my shed so it is a perfect dark place to keep it.
 Lastly my Chocolate Comos, I love this plant, the stems are rather long, so I have moved the plant to a spot where the sun is most of the day. These flowers smell divine.
Lowspend/nospend September, the last few days have not been too bad, we did some food shopping and spend £37, plus my plants, £7.15. We did not go into Fareham town centre, we had no requirements, next week we are going to require a food shop, but my plan is to stay on track, one thing I have noticed in this month we have not eaten alot of fruit, and we do not have any room to grow too much.
Soon hubby will be replacing all my veg tubs with a raised bed, it won't be huge, but it will give me a bit more growing room. I look over our back garden fence and see the neighbours garden going wild, I would love to purchase part of it, but there are 3 trees in the area and next door has two huge conifers, so nothing much could be grown there, I did suggest we go it and had chickens, but that is a step too far for hubby. The tree's make a nice backdrop to our garden.
No stitching done here, I don't think I have lost my mojo, just I am tired in the evenings, and I have alot of white stitching to do on Santa, if I start something else he will become a WIP, and never be finished.


  1. I've still got a few tomatoes on my plants, but they're nearly done now for this year. They've done well for ripening, I haven't had to pick any green ones so far.

  2. It's certainly been a good growing year for you. Quite like the chickens idea - think of the eggs :)
