Friday 6 June 2014

At the bottom of the garden

This is the view from my shed
 Looking over to the shed.
 My seating area behind the hedge.
  All the veg tubs. Every thing is green and healthy, soon I shall have salad items, carrots, later beetroot, french beans and of course tomatoes. I have a wood pile in the corner next to my greenhouse, to attract bugs and a hide away for our local hedgehog.
I came home from work today and spent an hour cleaning the table and chairs, they will still need work done on them and repainting, but now all the green gunge has gone they look much better. I have been asked if I will make cushions, and yes I have a plan. I shall pop to our local charity shop get a couple of pairs of jeans and make heavy duty cushions, I am hoping to get a few shades of blue and grey/black.
The back section of the garden is now looking great, before our time there was a huge greenhouse here, we did consider buying a new one, but it would take up too much room. Next year the plan is to build a raised bed where my veg tubs are, giving me a bigger plot. I get so much pleasure from this part of the garden, it's looking good.
My Jasmin and Lotus Berthelotii, I did not have too many flowers last year, but now there are loads. This pot hides the drain pipe and makes the corner of our decking look tidy.
We have been on the website Freecycle, and are hoping to have someone collect the two old chairs, they are rustic, but someone should have another years use from them and also our large tool chest, that has already been claimed, and by 9.30 tomorrow morning it will be gone.
Freecycle is a wonderful idea, it's very rare we take things to the tip, we have also got a few things off there for free. I am really loving having the second hand items in the garden, I am not a modern slick gardener, I hanker after my mum's garden.


  1. It looks lovely with your new table and chairs there, a nice area to sit out in. I have an allotment but I still like to grow some things in the garden too, there's nothing quite like home grown veggies.

  2. Your garden looks so nice . . it might convince me to take a picture of our front bed and the one Gene is working on in the back yard.

    I, honestly, should have taken a before and after picture of the backyard, but I was too embarrassed :)

  3. Marlene, A nice day in the garden!

  4. Hope you've been enjoying time in your lovely garden this weekend.

  5. I've said it before, I am perfectly jealous of your garden :)
