Tuesday 31 December 2013

New Years Eve

It's new years eve, we are getting ready for a few friends over for dinner, just six of us, a nice meal and fireworks at 12, plus a glass of bubbly. We have agreed to dress posh (photo's next time), should be different and fun.
As a couple and a family 2013 has been fun, with both my daughters finding happiness, our Grand sons give us so many moments of pure joy.
We had many weekends away in England and our final trip to Berlin.
The work hubby has done to the house has improved our lives.

My first post of 2013 was "Shades of Grey", looking at things around me and making wishes to myself for the year ahead, of the 7 items on my list, 6 has been improved and I am pleased.
The 7th was
Me, Lose more weight, get fit by using my bike and walking more. Find my positive side again, it's there just lost. - Well I have not lost weight or walked or cycled, but I do have my positive head back, so my only wish for 2014 is to lose the weight, starting next week.

So I am looking forward to 2014, I have loads of stitching projects to finish, loads planned to stitch. But as important we have loads of family plans.

Enjoy the last day of this year
I hope you spend tonight with someone you love.