Thursday 5 December 2013

Light our way

I have finished this design, and I love it. 
Sits well in the bottom corner of my work.
 I am looking to do some textured stitches in the 3 squares below, I only want to use silks, and not add any beads or buttons. But I can't find any thing I like. I did some beautiful stitching on another of my designs, but I can't remember how I did them and I can't work it out from my very fine stitching. So most of my time I am on the net searching for sites.
 I love this photo of the bottom of our tree, I have been playing with my camera, I also have a good selection of large glass decorations. I have also 12 real red candles on our tree, they are just for show, but I love them.
 I purchased another fake candle last weekend, hubby was a bit stunned at the cost of it, but they work well on my dining room unit where it is not safe to burn real candles.
 My table decoration is almost the same as last year, I am using battery operated white lights, with mistletoe on top, the dull light is very different.
 In the office I have put lights in my plant, just for a laugh, this window is at the front of the house, so it does look a bit like Christmas.
We are having storms in the North and North East, we have had a windy day here, but no real problem, loads of homes are on flood alert, loads of bridges are shut. I do hope every one is safe and well. It has got very cold here, so we need to wrap up warm before going out. I love scarfs and gloves.
I am in the swing for Christmas, once a week our boss allows us to have a two hour lunch break to go shopping, my day was yesterday and I got loads done. I must finish my cards, I have just to put them together, and then get them in the post. I have presents to wrap and my cake to ice.
I have just a couple of presents to purchase, hope to get them done over the weekend.
Sunday we have afternoon tea planned here for 8 people, just a chance to catch up with each other and share our Christmas cheer.
Every thing is heading towards a good Christmas.


  1. Really like those flame less candles and am going to try them now. I can't believe you get extended lunch breaks for shopping :)

    The storms were not pleasant at all - thank goodness they are over!
