Friday 8 November 2013

Lovely gifts

I received some lovely items for my birthday this week, the miniature rose will go out into my garden, the Amaryllis I will start growing for Christmas. Teddy from hubby, Jo Malone candle from daughter Su.
 I love the pale colours and will have to make plans to use them. 
We have chosen my shed for the garden, just have to order it, I have never had a shed of my own, got loads of plans to make it mine, just for gardening stuff.
 Some thing else I am waiting to arrive this food dehydrator, I have wanted one for ages, saw this a half price, oh how I love a bargain. I already have parsley, peppers and chillies ready to dry and I want to dry slices of oranges for my Christmas cake.

I have been lazy this week with my stitching, I have done loads but did not want to follow a pattern, so I started this free stitch design, at this point I am not sure what it is going to be, or even how big I will make it, it's a stitch and see project, but I am loving the variegated threads. 
 Today for the second day we had birthday cake in work, yesterday was mine, today our bosses, so I am a bit caked out, Lucky we had birthday cake and fireworks with Josh and Sam last Sunday.
Not many plans this weekend, I did think we were in Somerset tonight, but that's next week, so a nice stay at home couple of days. Tomorrow I want to finish my pots from the garden, I asked hubby to put them all in the garage today, so they are drying out ready for planting. Sunday I want to get out my sewing machine. Also tomorrow I have a friend coming with her stitching for afternoon and evening.
I also plan to cook my Christmas cake, I am a bit late, but it won't be a problem, I have jars to fill with cookie mixture, a soup mix and spices, which I hope to complete to give as presents.
So all in all Christmas is on it's way.
PPS this is post number 500


  1. Belated Happy Birthday, what a lovely array of goodies you received.

  2. I have had a dehydrator for years and LOVE IT ! ! ! ! ! !

    Happy Belated Birthday :)

  3. Hope you had a great birthday... looks like you got some great goodies!

    happy stitching....

  4. Congratulations on post 500.. and definitely, belated Happy Birthday! Lots of nice goodies there. Hope it was a "fun-tastic" day!
