Monday 29 August 2011

Sunny Bank Hoilday Monday

It's sunny, but not that warm, but after the amount of rain we have seen in the past few days, my garden like me is turning it's face to the sky, and because I am back to work tomorrow the fore caste for the next few days is good, typical.

My hubby brought me this beautiful chrysanthemum for the garden, the colours are stunning, below these flowers grow all thought the summer, I can not remember their name, but I do love them, they just spread and flower for months.

 I have planted some late winter colour with these cyclamen next to my daisy, these greet me at my back door. I have also added mini Pansy's to my pots, this will ensure we have colour for a few more months.
My anniversary present caused a bit of a stir yesterday, Kev and Gav our son in law put it together, the instructions were not that good, so Su and I kept out of their way. It's now in place, we put a corrugated plastic as the back, you should attach it to a wall, but I wanted mine next to the back fence and that is not dry enough to keep it warm in winter. Already it has seed trays in.
I have been doing alot of stitching, I have half stitch to do for the background of the bottom panel. I hope by next weekend I will have the finished sampler to show you.


  1. Lovely flowers! And doesn't the weather always change when you have to go back to work!
    Looking forward to seeing an update of your stitching!

  2. Anxiously awaiting your unveiling of the sampler :0}
