Monday 22 August 2011

More gardening

 I have finished the garden section, adding colour with the flowers, I have tried to keep it looking tidy, by using the same two shades of green for each planter. plus every garden I have has a bird table and feeder in.

I have added the Welsh flag for Kev, I am still unsure where to put the Union Jack, I have a couple spots. Next I am going to stitch my "mad" cow, I finally found a pattern in my drawer, if fact I found I had a choice of a couple. Below is the frame I shall use. The inner card frame was the template I used for the size of my sampler.

It's been a busy weekend here, spent time in the garden, it's now tidy and I have planted a few late flowering plants for the next few months. I read some of our bloggers are looking forward to the end of their winter, here our summer will be coming to a close and like a true English summer, we have had more wet days then sunny ones,  I feel robbed. I'm off this work week, and the fore caste is rain! at least on wet days I can stitch.


  1. Of course it will rain on your week off. And the day you return to work - nice and sunny. Never fails.

    Your sampler is moving right along and looks great. I have no idea where you found all these small patterns but you are making it WORK! Glad to see you have the frame already - way to plan ahead.

  2. What is a "bird table." Also, is there a Welsh flag that doesn't have a dragon on it? I would love to make one of my hearts that is half American Stars and Stripes with a Welsh flag . . . found out I have Welshmen in my family tree . . . but all I would get would be the tail of the dragon . . . and I don't think I could get the details correct if I made a dragon.

  3. Your sampler is looking fabulous! All the different designs are coming together perfectly.

  4. This is one incredible sampler!!!! WOW! I don't think I could just plan as I go. You're doing a fantastic job :o)
