Tuesday 3 May 2011


Not alot to show for last month

Working full time again takes away loads of stitching time, just a few threads from Winter Watergarden, Family sampler and a few shiny ones from my new stitching.

My new stitching is going well, on the second try, I miss counted so badly I took the linen off the frame and stuffed it in my, "don't open THAT drawer". so now, I think I will need some more white thread!!

I have not done long stitch for years, it's great fun to do, the threads are typical shiny ones they twist and knot and are horrible to pull through the holes, other than that I am enjoying sewing. I love the shades I am using and can't wait for it to be done. I think I might have ordered the wrong colour beads, I have pale pink ones, I think I will order some clear ones.
I had a very lazy weekend, all the work in the garden is done, just the lawn to lay next Saturday. We had a family BBQ on Saturday, Josh ate his Easter egg and was very entertaining and loud, Sammy was just a dream boy, it was great to sit with my daughters in the sun shine. Friends popped in yesterday evening, unexpected but fun.

Today is back to work, I have had two 4 day weekends in a row, I could get used to it. Just working 4 days this week.


  1. Love the soft colors you are using! Pale pink beads might be pretty but the clear one will add sparkle!

    Hope today is a good work day!

  2. The sewing looks lovely Marlene - love the colours! You could maybe try both beads to see which ones you prefer.

  3. Marlene....I first pulled pink ones and then switched to the clear for that same reason...you are making great progress!

  4. Its so pretty & pastel. I just love the way the colors all meld into each other. Thats a lot of threads.

  5. Love the progress! The colours are very pretty and sparkly! I know how you feel about metallics though with the twisting and knotting. I put down a piece that I had been stitching on since I was a teen because of the metallics. I like the idea of the clear beads!
