Sunday 3 April 2011


It's been another busy month of stitching, and my dish is full again, Loads of pinks from my hearts, browns from the ABC heart, blues from Winter Watergarden, and a few mixed colours from my family sampler.

My jar is stuffed with threads,
I'm not sure it is going to be big enough for the coming year.

I am working on the second part of Winter Watergarden, the fourth part was published this week, so I am behind, I will catch up soon enough.

I love these reed beds, the designer has used fantastic colours, each stage the colours change and makes it perfect. I hope to finish these four beds this week.

It's Mothering Sunday here in UK, we are having a day at home, I caught the tummy bug going around, and don't feel up to going out far, so I hope to be able to stitch later, I am lucky and had lovely gifts from my daughters, Kev brought me flowers, and the Q- snaps stitching frames I keep telling you about.

I hope you have a good day, and you see some sun shine, it's gone from here

1 comment:

  1. Wow I love how your Winter Watergarden is coming along. It's so pretty.

    Hope you feel better soon and have a lovely Monther's Day.
