Wednesday 27 April 2011

Been shopping

It's been a busy few weeks, and to be honest I just have not felt like stitching, on the plus side my garden is looking beautiful. All my shrubs are in and growing. I have loads in my veg plot. Kev made a great cage for the fruit section of the garden to keep the birds away.

The photo above is of my peony, it belonged to my mum and was always in the corner of our garden, when we were growing up, when mum moved, we split the plant into 4, one each for the 3 daughters and one for mum. This plant has followed me each time we move, it's older than me and certainly looks better than me.

But I need to stitch again, I can't just get home from work and watch TV all night, have you seen the state of the programmes, I can't stand watching the soaps.

So a blogging pal sent me this pattern, it's an old pattern which you can't get anymore, hence it being passed on, I have been on the net and brought the Kreinik threads and the Mill Hill beads, can't wait for them to come and I will stitch again. The shades and textures look great, hurry Mr Postman.

Work is going well, the job is not hard, you need to be thinking all the time. I had a chat with my new boss today and told her my medical history, she was cool about it, and is Ok with me having another op this summer, we are getting together to find dates which fit in with everyone, guess I'm lucky, things are going well. I share an office with one other lady, similar age to me and two younger chaps. Next week I start learning the technical side of things, we sell CCTV products, should be a laugh, I know nothing, so it's going to be a huge learning curve, I guess telling them to "turn it off ", won't be an option.


  1. The peony is gorgeous!... what a wonderful treasure to remember your Mum by.
    Things are really starting to sprout up in my gardens here in Ontario, Canada. I think it really helped having a couple of warmer days with rain :^)

  2. ((hugs)) You'll find the time again. Probably a bit overwhelmed with the return to work. Glad your boss is being good to you! Your egg/oval is going to be a beaut!

  3. That pattern looks amazing Marlene. Love the peony - they are such a lovely plant and what lovely memories that one has:) Glad the job is going okay.

  4. What a beautiful peony! Great picture Marlene :o)

    That's a lovely pattern! I love patterns that use different stitches.

  5. I can see why you were drawn to that pattern. The pastel colors make it look so soft.
