Wednesday 12 January 2011

Thunderbirds are go!!

What a great title.

The Post Office yesterday launched their new range of stamps and the celebrate the work of Gerry Anderson, Josh loves every thing to do with Thunderbirds, so we had to send him a post card with the Thunderbirds stamp on, Sam has Captain Scarlet. Josh has most of the Thunderbirds and Tracy Island, he would like Thunderbird 5, the space station, but we have not been able to locate it, if anyone sees's one please let me know.

Palace guard is coming along very well, just a bit of work on the little boy in brown, and a bit more back stitch. I hope to finish it in the next couple of days.

This year I am going to rotate work, rather than just doing one thing at a time, so I hope to finish sleeping cats, I want to start my family sampler, but I still need to design some of it. I also have two kits Summer Meadow and Christmas Teddies to start. My first copy of Just Crossstitch came from USA, and there are a couple of projects in there I like.


  1. Great progress on your AOY . good luck with the rotation . X

  2. Love your AOY. It is adorable. I love rotations. I find I get more done and rarely ever get bored with a project. Good luck with yours.

  3. Wow, you are fast!! Looking good too. Loved Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet years ago!! Hubs wants to buy the stamps!

  4. Not fast just home all day, after lunch I start my sewing.
