Monday 25 October 2010

Frosty mornings

It's a sunny, cold and frosty morning here, typical for this time of the year, but I'm inside with the heating on feeling warm and good. Grace is snuggled on the sofa, watching the squirrels eating the nuts from the feeder in our tree.

We had a good two days away, we were far more rural than Exeter, and stayed at Waie Inn,
the surrounding countryside was stunning as was their grounds. I spent a lovely Thursday afternoon exploring all the grounds. This once was a farm and the owners father created everything here, all geared for families or weddings. The food was perfect, both Kev and I have put on weight, oh well will have to walk a bit more.

The leaves are now falling, but we are having some stunning colours this year, we can never complete with the fall leaves in America and Canada, this photo is not the best.

Saturday we went to Fareham, they had a display along the main street of old police cars, Fire engines and Ambulances, it was very interesting, we called Josh to ensure he did not miss them, he spent the morning looking at them with his dad. The vehicle Josh liked the most was not English, there was a New York squad car there, Josh had his photo taken beside this one!

Afterwards we went to visit Fliss, Steve and Josh in their warm cosy cottage, Josh was showing Kev how to play games on his DS. Josh also told us his teacher took them out of school on Thursday to go to the college across the road, they went to see a princess who was visiting, Josh and his friends were not impressed, the lady who came was not a princess, "she looked like you nanna". So when I asked what he was looking for, they wanted to see a "Disney" type princess, so they were disappointed. In fact Princess Anne, the Princess Royal came to the college, but as she looked too normal for a class of five years olds, they missed the point.


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful time. Is Fliss ready to have that baby yet? Not much longer is it? Poor Josh, no Disney princess for him. :(

    Smiles - Denise

  2. Thankyou for joining my blog and the lovely comment you left.I must admit to thinking I have nothing to write about but once I start I am like the proverbial hamster on and on and on lol.Good luck with the giveaway and I have become a follower of yours too, I loved the princess being a let down ,she could have made an effort and at least worn a crown eh!lol.

  3. Nice photos. Sounds like you had a great time!

    Lol at Princess Anne disappointing the masses. One of these days I'm going to see the Queen in one of her hats. It's a personal goal.
