Sunday 22 September 2024


With heavy rain due for a few days we decided to pack away our wooden table set on Saturday, the seats are over 20 years old and still in good condition, the table new this year, we store them each winter in our garage, it goes along my wall, which takes away space for me, but as I'm not doing so much it's OK. This space looks huge, all my decorations again are packed away, I do leave out the bunting, lights and a few pots. My Olive tree is looking good after the huge trim I gave it in the spring.

The chairs sit one on top of the other, with the outside toys on top, so on dry days we can still get the toys out. The benches do cause more issues as they sits infront of my unit, I have checked and pulled out anything I might need from the unit, I can still use storage space under and on, which will help. The table has had the legs removed and is in the back of the garage, that's in hubby's space. 
My space outside my greenhouse door does not please me, I've tried a few different bits there, using what I have, but the space is not earning it's keep. I have been missing my shed, it was so convenient to store loads of my tools just where I needed them. The garage space works but every time I want something it's a walk through my garden space, and the same to put things back tidy. So with that in mind I have ordered this tiny shed, it fits the space, keeping my poles and other bits which are just used for the veg section, things I don't want in my greenhouse. 

Hubby has been busy sanding down our stairs, he is removing all the paint, we want (by that I mean me) to stain the upright post and hand rails and paint the spindles and everywhere else white, it's not a fun job, the dust is in every room of the house, hubby does not like doing half jobs, so it's taken a couple of weeks. I've been outside working, the stairs are very cramped so he works alone, Friday we cleaned everywhere, hubby hopes to start painting soon. Then it's the turn of our bedroom, which will be a much simpler job, there is one small build section to be done, then decorate and new carpets.

Most of the garden work is up to date, I'm leaving the flower beds to die back naturally, I will tidy them in the spring. I have my potato bags to empty, most of my pots and buckets are cleaned and packed away. I need to get some onion sets, my favourite garden centre only sell prepacked, so we will pop to a different place to get loose ones. I have a tomato plant to sort and my runner beans, all will go in composter. I have 8 cabbage plant seedlings in my greenhouse, hopefully they will get big enough to go out soon.


  1. What a cute little garden shed. Son is looking for a shed at the moment, but something a bit bigger. Your size would suit me for my things :)

  2. Hopefully by then you will stop having so many ideas and I can have a rest. Roll on the holiday.

  3. Love the look of your soon to be new shed. Looks perfect for what you need it for. Now OH has almost finished the decking, we're hoping to do some work on our stairs stripping back the steps and painting them. They've been bare for 3 years or so, since LB had a party and the carpet got recked by everyone traipsing from outside in the garden up the stairs. Can't wait to get it done.

  4. The shed looks very nice and practical. It's satisfying to tidy away for the new season.

  5. I could do with making a tool shed for my garden tools.

  6. We are in the middle of decorating our hall and stairs too. I really don't like it but it's long overdue. I know it will take several weeks because Mark is only able to do it at the weekend.
    That shed looks perfect for storing your garden bits and bobs in.

  7. I like the look of your shed.
    I certainly don't like the sound of our weather forecast this coming week ... hope you stay dry!

    All the best Jan

  8. I think you got the garden furniture packed away just in time if your weather is anything like ours, I was woken in the night with rain lashing against the window and the forecast is for more of the same all week. What a great little shed, perfect if you want to store just a few bits and bobs or if you're short on space.

  9. That will be a great mini shed for you, Marlene. I agree it is a pain if all the things you need are at the bottom of the garden. This shed will be so much better to use.

  10. Rather you than me with the sanding dust!

  11. The table set must have been good quality to have lasted that long. It wont be long before I need to bring the lemon trees indoors. And must remember the fairy lights, this year.
    The shed will be perfect for a few bits and pieces. X
