Friday 7 June 2024

Out and about

 Sat in the garden last Saturday enjoying all our hard work, hubby says he's bored, can we go out please, so on Sunday we walked to Portchester castle, it was sunny and hot, so a lovely walk. We had coffee and cake at the church tearoom in the castle grounds, a perfect couple of hours, we chose not to use the car as the local roads would be hectic on such a sunny day.

Tuesday we took the express bus from the village to Portsmouth, the route now uses electric buses, which are smart and lovely to ride on, just a 20 minute journey. We decided to walk through Victoria Park and enjoy lunch as our main meal out. Finishing at Gunwharf shopping outlet, right on the waters edge, we don't come here often enough, with nice weather it's a excellent place to spend time. We did not go up the Spinnaker tower, we have been up many times before. There are lot's of D day 80 years things happening in the city, we stayed away from them, wanting just a simple day out. 

It's been a very different week, Monday we popped to Fareham, got our fruit, veg and a couple other bits, I was home alone in afternoon. Managed to plant out the leeks.

Wednesday hubby was out in morning, we later walked to village, rest of the day at home, where I prefer to be. I did some cleaning inside, the house gets very dusty with doors and windows open.

Thursday hubby was back for a hospital visit, having an iron infusion, which was recommended after his recent bout of food poising. I had to stay home for a delivery, so I spent the day outside.

For those reading outside of UK, once you retire and receive your state pension, you can apply for a bus pass, which allows you free travel on all local buses, we are very lucky to be on the route between the cities of Portsmouth and Southampton, so we have a good bus network. We love leaving the car at home and getting around locally.


  1. Smashing photos. In Ireland it's free travel for the over 66's on trains and buses. I wish we had public transport where we live. Tourist areas need infrastructure.

    1. We live in a lovely spot, close to the water, with a castle in the village and loads of seaside towns, and plenty of country side. We do have a train station here, but the trains are very expensive.

  2. It's nice to make the most of any good weather and take a trip out. It's back to dull and dreary here this week, we don't seem to be getting a run of decent weather this year.

  3. It all sounds very pleasant. The sunshine helps, of course.

  4. It sounds, and certainly looks from your photographs, that you enjoyed your visits out in the good weather.

    Hope the weekend ahead will be an enjoyable one with more sunshine.

    All the best Jan

  5. What a wonderful idea. Free bus passes to travel would be wonderful.......but then one would actually need buses. This is something most provincial bus lines stopped doing before even Covid hit. Now one must drive themselves or find someone to drive from rural areas to the city for specialist appointments. This is one reason we are so tempted to move very soon.

    God bless.
