Wednesday 1 May 2024


I have seen something similar made by an Instagram gardener who I follow, hubby chose the sempervivums, they will grow and fill this pot, as soon as the rain stops I will pop it on our green metal table, I am reusing this pot I've had for years. 

Monday and Tuesday were bright sunny warm days, I did not enjoy much, sadly Grace's health declined over the weekend, and we took her for her final visit to the vets on Monday morning, leaving without her was heart breaking, so the house and garden feels empty. On 5th May she would have been 20 years old, earlier this year I did this happy post, knowing her health was failing. 

I am missing my pretty warm lap cat, daytimes are not to bad, but evenings are sad, she always curled up on my lap for most of the evening.

We took Purdy to the vets in March, so now we have an empty home, I have decided not to look for another cat yet, we have a few trips planned and we should look at having our oak wooden floors re-varnished. 

Using John Greys words, both our girls heard my voice and my smell as they drifted off, I was cheered when I read his words after losing Purdy and they were again in my head with Grace. 


  1. There seem to be many bloggers at the moment suffering loss of loved ones. I am sorry that you are one of them. x

  2. I'm so sorry Marlene, we know we have to do the right thing by our pets but it's so hard when they've been a loved family member for so long. xx

  3. Oh I'm so sorry to read about Grace's passing. 20 is a really good age, she was well looked after. I still miss my Molly and Millie, I think I always will, our house still feels empyty and yes evenings are the worst. Xx

  4. Sorry to read of your loss. I hope in time a new four legged friend will accompany you in your garden.

  5. How sad...sending heartfelt condolences. x

  6. Been there. My heart hurts for you.

  7. Sorry to read about your Grace. She was a very good age and had had a lovely life with you. We lost our 20 year old cat Jasper over a year ago, but found the house felt very empty, so we adopted Sheva a 2 year old rescue from Cats Protection, who is very friendly and a real lap cat. Hugs Gill Xx

  8. Farewell to Grace. I don't think I could bear to have another cat as my heart was broken by the death of Blizzard and the mysterious disappearance of Boris. He just never came home. By the way he was named Boris long before that scruffy oaf who became our prime minister appeared on TV.

  9. I'm so sorry to read this, Marlene. Sending lots of love. X

  10. So sorry to hear about Grace's decline. It's so hard to see your pet struggling as they get older. We are seeing signs of our dog struggling these days.

  11. Oh Marlene, I am really sorry to hear that. It is always sad to lose a loved pet, and leaves such a hole when they have been part of the family for so long. Sending you big hugz, Mxx

  12. I am sorry to read about Grace's passing, I send my condolences.

    All the best Jan

  13. I really miss our Shania walking all over the patterns I am cutting out on the floor. When our fur family members leave after many years we miss them terribly. Shania was with us for almost 22 years.


  14. What a long and happy life Grace had, which of course makes it even harder to say goodbye. She will always be in your heart as you remember the happy times. xx

  15. I am so sorry to learn of Grace's passing. It seems so hard after losing Purdy so recently.

  16. So sorry to hear of Grace's passing. It seems that you have lost two very dear furry friends in a very short space of time. Hold tight to those precious memories. Thinking of you x
